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Rory had other people to call

When Rory goes on that awful date with Graham from Yale. He is with his buddy's who drink a ton doing a pub crawl, he is talking sports with those guys and their designated driver is drunk. Funny thing is that Emily sets them up thinking this guy is a total gentleman, clearly she knew little about him as a college freshman. Anyways Rory obviously doesn't want to die in car accident with those morons so she calls Dean to rescue her as she is stranded with no money at the bar in a dangerous neighborhood.

She calls Dean and says she didn't know who else to call. Like he was the only person Rory could ask to come pick her up at a bar in New Haven? I know Lorelai and Luke were at Liz's wedding, although this was sort of an emergency...but she could of called Lane, Richard (unless he was away), Emily, Marty, Paris (although I believe she was gone already...), Doyle, Sookie/Jackson, even Chris...there were other people to call. Plus, it's not like she had anything to be embarrassed over. She just needed a ride home. I get that at that point they were supposed to be friends and she didn't have a lot of male friends to call to come help her out in a bad situation...but it didn't have to be Dean. I know this was just a way to get them closer together. Rory however brings up the important point that as a married man, he shouldn't be in a position to come and get her alone and to hang out for a while. Not appropriate.


Yeah, it was definitely a choice. If Rory had called Lorelai, she would have destroyed every single good thing in her mom's life. She had sex with Dean when Lorelai finally opened her own inn and we never saw how and if Lorelai tells Rory about the kiss with Luke. She then prevents a wedding from happening in s6 because of her quarter life crisis. And in the revival she even manages to destroy Lorelai's wedding to Luke by telling her little secret.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


I guess it makes sense to me. Rory didn't just call a random person, she called Dean because she wanted Dean to save her at that moment! Think about it. She's with a guy who's the total opposite, and that only reminds her of the nice guy she lost, who she wants to reconnect with especially since the past few days of her life his name has come up a few times, so it's still fresh to her. It makes total sense that he was her go-to.

Also, would you have called your mom?! That's embarrassing!


Also, would you have called your mom?! That's embarrassing!

The premise of this show is that they're more friends than mother-daughter. "All you have to do is call my name and I'll be there on the next train". Lorelai would have dropped everything.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


I know that, but it's still embarrassing to call your mother because of what other people would think of you. A guy friend picking you up from a bar is not the equivalent of your mommy picking you up! I'm not saying Rory would have been embarrassed to call Lorelai because Lorelai would think she's a loser; but other people would think she's a loser and a mama's girl.


She didn't know anyone there and Lorelai came to visit her on campus all the time. I don't think Rory can be embarrassed about anything after she let her mother sleep in her dorm because she was a huge baby. If that didn't hurt her reputation then nothing would

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


True, but that was the first day! Everyone feels embarrassingly homesick, if you had a good home. It was still pretty lame to have your mom throw you a party and stay at the dorm the first night; but I don't think anyone paid much attention to it just because of how Lorelai handled it. It was all still very new to Rory.

By the time the guy Emily set her up with thing happened, it was the end of the semester. People knew her. It's just not the same.


I didn't have a problem with Rory calling her mother and being homesick. Because,you're right. that's everyone. But, Lorelai should not have come back and nicely told Rory that she would be fine. I was incredibly homesick my first night at school and I got there a day before my roommate (who we ended up hating each other anyway), so I hung out in my room all by myself. But, my mom would never have come back if I called her, even is she hadn't been on here way back home, 800 miles away.


I think you're right if this were anyone, but I'm very close to my mom as well, and I wouldn't have been embarrassed either. Plus, Lorelai looks so young, who would have known that it was her mother?

The embarrassment factor is practically non-existent here. Lorelai once told Rory to check if she was wearing any underwear. And after Rory's failed first date with the water bottle guy in early s4, we know she literally calls her mother at any time when she's uncomfortable.

I get what you're saying, but the circumstances are different. Rory wanted to call Dean because she wanted to see Dean. It was a choice that had nothing to do with her relationship to her mother IMO.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


Plus, Lorelai looks so young, who would have known that it was her mother?

Awww, this made me think of the Harvard Road Trip episode. I always thought it was odd that the B&B owner lady knew they were mother-daughter the second they walked in.

"Would you like to ring the bell?"
"You or your daughter?"
"I don't get it..."


Oh my God, you're right. How did she know? But on the other hand, you can only do the "You look like sisters" bit so many times, especially after it's been in the pilot already.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


So my point exactly. She didn't call Dean because she literally had no one else to contact in that type of scenario. She called Dean because she wanted to. Rory saying, "I didn't know who else to call" was bull.


I thought it was interesting that Rory made a huge deal about the guy drinking and wanting to go out especially when she ends up dating Logan lol. His behavior was pretty normal to me note I'm not saying that she should get in the car with him but Rory was definitely being a bit of a square. She definitely could've called someone or taken up his offer to get a taxi. They planted seeds that Rory wanted Dean back as early as season 3. Dean treated Rory better than Jess did, she told Lane that she blew it with Dean, everyone pointing out that she's single, comparing Jess to Dean, jealous of Lindsay, etc.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


That is a good point. Although Logan was 21+ when he met Rory, so his drinking probably didn't bother her because he wasn't breaking the law and using a fake ID. Also they would take cabs a lot right? Or Rory would drive him, but she loved him so I guess it was all good for her. She was his younger underage girlfriend. This other guy didn't seem like he had much to offer. At least Logan was cool.Those guys she was with were her age, obviously they had fake IDs to buy drinks and get drunk. They also ignored her pretty much the whole time. Would of been better if it was more of a social thing for Rory.

Rory was kind of a square about drinking. Especially underage. We almost never see her drink much at all before turning 21. Her and Paris only have soda and water in their dorm and apartment. The exceptions being spring break, this episode with the spiked lemonade, the Founders Day punch debacle with Paris, and maybe a few other times like at the Out of Jail party in season 6. She never even drank a glass of wine with her mom at the house much after turning 21 forget before. Of course the revival changed that, she had scotch in every other scene.


Lane, Richard (unless he was away), Emily, Marty, Paris (although I believe she was gone already...), Doyle, Sookie/Jackson, even Chris

I don't think Lane had a car, Richard and Emily would have been awkward since they felt highly of this boy, calling them for a ride would have been akin to tattling, she knew Marty had a crush on her, so he might not appreciate having to bail her out on her date and I don't know that he had a car either, he wasn't exactly rolling in the dough, yes, Paris was gone. Rory should have taken the cab money she was offered, especially in light of the fact that she used the open tab that she wasn't offered.


She didn't know about Marty's crush until almost the middle of season 5. Rory was completely oblivious to Marty liking her in season 4. I wish they would've shown more of those random girls who hung out with Rory in the season 4 premiere because they had potential to be interesting characters.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


As Perfect pointed out, Rory didn't know how Marty felt until mid season 5. None of us actually really know until later on.

Tattling? Really? All she had to do was call and ask for a ride. Emily and Richard are her grandparents, and yes Emily set her up and put her there. It went badly which she could of been honest about or if she just asked for the ride and gave a vague explanation for it I am sure it would of been fine. Maybe Emily needed to to know the truth, people change from being in diapers to 19 year old college freshmen.

Lane might not of had a car, but Zack/Brian probably did. But honestly, she had to of had one how did she get anywhere? How did she get to Yale when she was staying there after leaving her house? If worse came to worse she could of borrowed her mom's car or got the keys to the Jeep from Lorelai.

Yeah Rory should of taken the cab fair. But she probably didn't want to owe the guy anything. She also thought she had money or that an ATM was in the bar. She was supposed to "not need rescuing."


The other thing she could have done, if she had an ATM card was get a cab to take her to an ATM. I can't believe there's not one really close to the campus.

Lane took the bus when she went to Yale.


Ok, but she still could of borrowed someone's car. Yeah, the waitress says its a few blocks away. I am amazed that the bar didn't have one.


I'd have seriously died if I lived in the early 00s as a college student! LOL.


Makes perfect logical sense when Rory routinely has $20 cash to shoo people away from her favorite tree, buy a coffee from that weird outdoor kiosk in every other Yale scene, but doesn't have $10 to drop on a cab, you see. Her grandfather happily pays for 35 mile cab rides, but I guess lobbing him a phone call to arrange a credit card payment is a little too out there. Also, there probably weren't any other Yale students there that could have been asked for a ride. I mean in my years at college, I know I almost never got hooked into giving fellow students rides home from bars 20 or so times.


Makes perfect logical sense when Rory routinely has $20 cash to shoo people away from her favorite tree, buy a coffee from that weird outdoor kiosk in every other Yale scene, but doesn't have $10 to drop on a cab, you see.

 Rory's money problems in college appear and get dissolved within seconds. In s5 she showers that girl Anna from Chilton with Yale merch, and one or two episodes later she can afford Chinese food, while at the same time had Marx brothers posters all over her dorm room.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


Yeah Rory had a car at Yale she just didn't drive there they carpooled. They had to give her a car because she had to be able to get back and forth from Yale to Star Hollows etc. I would assume that some kids have cars at school and others don't. Not everyone is living on campus anyways. Also I said above that Rory rejected the cab fair because she didn't want to owe the guy anything...but she didn't feel bad about charging her and Dean's meal on the guys bar tab.

I just think it was ridiculous for her to say that she had no one else to call. Her mom was always an option. Even if she was with Luke I'm sure they would still come down. Besides Lor didn't even know she was on a date till the end of the episode. Emily would of sent a car if she couldn't come herself. Rory didn't have to call Dean. And after the fact she realizes how it was inappropriate that she did call him...but does she really regret it? Or did she want to call him and was happy she had an excuse? Not sure how innocent she was. Also didn't Yale have a shuttle or something for a situation like this? A campus bus? Rory mentions that when she moves in with Paris and Doyle.


Also didn't Yale have a shuttle or something for a situation like this? A campus bus? Rory mentions that when she moves in with Paris and Doyle.

Classes were over for the year, dorms were closing, I think Rory had to be out by the next day. She told Dean they were probably the last two people on campus. The shuttle was probably shut down until fall.

And, yes, in college some kids have cars, others don't. I almost felt sorry for the kids in school who had the cars because it seemed like they got hit up for rides a lot. I don't think I ever asked for a ride special, but I would keep my ears open when people were going places and ask if I could tag along, LOL. Only my good friends, not strangers or acquaintances. But, then I would offer to spring for the whole pizza if a few girls wanted to get one, so I think it probably evened out in the end. I hope so anyway.


That was probably an exaggeration though...I'm sure Rory and Dean weren't the last two people literally. Especially if you think about a school like Yale in reality versus GG world. Realistically a school like Yale doesn't just shut down for four months in the summer. Kids take summer courses, there are camps, programs for HS kids, the Theater, Yale Art Gallery etc. people still work there. I am sure people still live off campus and attend summer classes there. Also they have a Law and Med school. But even if the shuttle was shut down even just in between spring and summer semester on a Saturday when a lot of people left the school for the summer....Rory had other people to call other than her married ex-boyfriend.
