the twin factor

One of the biggest problems with this movie is the concept of "genetic memory" because we all know that memories aren't stored in DNA. However, if they had touched on the notion that twins (which they technically were) are mentally linked, something which is still firmly in the realm of metaphysics and therefore easier to accept, it would have saved this film a lot of plotholes. Not only would it have been a better justification for the sketchy visions of the killings, but it would also have justified #1's inability to communicate. With a perfect imprint of the torch's memories, #1 should be able to speak and walk, but as a fresh and immature mind receiving visions from a twin, #1's limitations are much more reasonable.

that said, I agree with the majority of people here on the fact that Van Damme's acting was better than normal. As #1 he truly seemed bewildered and frightened, and as The Torch he had some surprisingly subtle facial expressions and definitely looked sinister. I'm curious is Van Damme has ever tried using a dialect coach, though, because his ever-present accent is one of his largest limiting factors, particularly in all of his double-role movies. If he could somehow manage two different accents, it would greatly aid in the believability that these two characters are truly separate.


I agree. It seemed they implied it at points but never fully explained it.
