Watching right now..

..I haven't seen this movie since the original week it was released on DVD.. I purchased it USED at a local video store and am VERY pleased with the invesment!!

I am a big JCVD fan and own nearly every DVD of his now, and I believe this is his best Direct to Video film.. I always enjoy a Van Damme film where he plays multiple characters on screen at once, and it's great seeing a ''good'' & ''bad'' Van Damme and he fights himself essentially..

The acting is pretty good on everyone's part and the screenplay is very original.. Plus, Van Damme does a lot of his high kicking action scenes.. A nice casting job with well shot action sequences add up to a very enjoyable film and GREAT for Van Damme standards..

Hope everyone else liked this movie :)


I have to agree with you there that this movie was done very well for a direct to video movie.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Keep in mind that it was meant for theatrical release...

Oh dear. This calls for a very special blend of psychology ... and EXTREME VIOLENCE.


That is great to hear that it was meant to be released in theaters. This was a very good movie to watch in my opinion.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
