Clearing misconceptions
Here are a few misconceptions that I'd like to clear:
1) I see the word "emotion" thrown around a lot in this forum.
I don't know if that word is even -once- mentioned in the movie - it's possible, that it isn't!
What they talk about is "feeling" or "feel", and "sense offending" - they don't really mention "emotions".
This seems to even go as far as -physical feeling- -- why else would Preston take off his glove to feel the rail, and then react to it?
2) Emotions are not the same thing as 'feeling'
3) Emotions are not necessary for functioning of a human being (if you've ever been on certain western medications, you'd know that from experience - and if you had known certain people, who almost never show any emotion, or react to anything with feeling, you'd realize this to be true)
4) Emotions come from the ego - feeling comes from the Universe, through your soul.
Feeling is the largest window to the Cosmos and reality. Emotions are warped mind-ego-expressions to help us grow - they are tools that we don't need after a certain point.
Emotional lust is what people on this planet call 'love'. Real, actual love, however, is something the Cosmic Messenger talked about a couple of millennia ago. It has nothing to do with 'romance' or 'wanting to be with someone'.
Every explosive, low-vibe, 'destructive' (for the lack of a better term), twisted version of a feeling is an emotion. They all come from ego-mind, and thus are not really real, but just temporary distractions that higher beings won't need to have. They represent a challenge to humans, so that they can cultivate their spirits by overcoming them.
However, on this planet, it's "emotions" that are worshipped, not 'feeling'. And the two are mixed and intertwined. As if all 'feeling' would have something to do with 'emotions' - this is clearly wrong.
Especially women, having a less rational and sensible mind, really expect everyone to be interested in their emotions and to worship them completely and utterly. If they 'felt' something, then it must be justified. They endlessly talk about emotions, and expect men to read and know them completely. They talk a lot about 'feelings', but what they really mean is 'emotions' - they very rarely talk about the true, spiritual 'feel' or 'feeling' that has nothing to do with emotions.
So, you can feel powerfully and in a plethora of different 'aromas' or an enormous palette of different 'experiences' without having one iota of any emotion within you.
Enlightened Zen masters have no emotions, but they do feel a lot.
Anger, hatred, emotional lust, fear, despair, 'feeling insulted', arrogance, pride and so on - these all come from ego-mind, not from the spirit.
Appreciation of a sunrise, the elevated feeling you get from thinking about the Universe and its higher planes, better worlds and actual civilizations and The Omnipotent Father, wanting to sacrifice yourself for others or the greater good of all humanity, the feeling of helping someone, reaching out with your feelings to experience the Universe and life in a more sensitive, yet deeper and more 'flowing' way, experiencing Zen, and experiencing the euphoria that comes from meditation - those come from the spirit, and are not 'emotions'. When you want to be one with the Great spirit, and when you pray - that feeling comes from the spirit.
I know that conditioned minds are going to have trouble accepting this - heck, I am sure many egos will downright flare up and have huge emotional upheavals just so they could 'set me right', after reading all this .. but I am just a messenger, and these are the simple truths about feelings vs. emotions.
Interestingly, even the physical feeling comes from the soul - body can't really feel anything without it. But it has nothing to do with emotions. Emotions exist only because the ego-mind exists. Once you get rid of ego-mind, you get rid of emotions.
In any case, this movie portrays the whole 'non-feeling' routine very wrong. They should have studied people in certain western medications that have their feeling almost completely numbed (while still retaining some emotions - as I said, it's a different concept altogether), and observed how they function and interact.
You can have faith without feeling or emotion, by the way. Faith is not based on any 'passion' (like someone falsely claimed), and spirituality does not require you to feel or emote - it just requires you to know and trust. You can be spiritual, while not feeling anything. It's a matter of what you decide, not a matter of some emotions tossing you around like a duck in a hurricane.
Get rid of ego-mind and emotions with it, and cultivate the true feeling that comes from the spirit and ascends beyond the physical-etheric-astral.. where emotions can't follow. That's the human challenge.
Not 'get-married-emote-a-lot-and-reproduce'.
Anyone can do THAT.