awesome job telling a (somewhat) original story
It felt like being made up of scifi elements I know from different other movies. I really wanted to like it and there are some scenes which work well, but everything is tainted by the silly fighting sequences which cry "matrix without the budget!" very loudly.
The ending is a shame, completely lacking ideas. This is a generic cowboy movie ending - someone just fights better and therefore wins. That is nice for elementary school kids when it runs between Powerrangers or Ninja Turtle cartoons (which work the same way), but as a grown-up I demand some more effort to be put into the finale. At this point I could not recommend the movie to anyone, since it became half a movie - the first half trying to be scifi on the level of a Ray Bradbury, the second half failing to pay attention to what happened before.
It seems like they wanted to jump onto the Matrix wave and therefore hurried an idea which would have needed more time writing it. It reminds me a lot of Le Pacte Des Loup, which could have been reasonably original but ended up being stylistically a generic Matrix clone as well.
I wish the creator had had the balls to actually create something new and to explore the initial topic, then maybe a movie well worth watching could have been the result.