MovieChat Forums > Equilibrium (2002) Discussion > Not good but could have been

Not good but could have been

Christian was top notch and the premise was very good. Some of the action sequences showed a huge amount of promise.
Script, production design/values & score sucked.
It too bad it wasn't made by a better film maker who had more money and a better production team.


I agree, it was good, it looked great- the over the top symbolism was done very stylishly- but something about it just irked me!! Just the whole premise about them not having emotions and then showing emotion at every turn- lol, the condemned girl was more stoic going to her death than the main bad guy who was supposed to be completely emotionless!!! I don't know what could've been done to make it better though- ''The Giver'' tried but ended up totally boring, at least this had had some kickass action scenes. Lol, maybe this is what the director was going for- because of it's quirks and flaws ''Equilibrium' will be forever discussed and torn apart and watched over and over- the perfect Bgrade classic!!
