I found this movie recommended on a site stating that it was one of the most underrated movies of all time. I was intrigued.
Could there be a hidden classic out there that I had never heard of?
First of all, I didn't buy that this Preston guy would change to questioning himself so quickly. So from the get-go, I was like "what's with this huge change of character?"
I didn't buy it, so this put this movie way back in enjoyment for me.
Secondly, the styling. To me it looked like Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. Moonwalker has guards dressed the same, with machine guns, who use motorcycles. A totalitarian regime.
Finally, the action. It was neither here nor there. Is he a superhero? So why can he just stand there as people shoot? Oh that's right, because its a special martial art.
The biggest thing that was missing (besides proper storytelling, original ideas, etc) was some humour. At least Matrix has jokes. Neo "Hmm, upgrades"
This was just a dreary movie from start to finish.
It wasn't the best written movie to be sure of. Killing off Sean Bean was inexcusable, he could have been a critical protagonist to move the story along but his talents were simply wasted.
Bales character has questioned things since his wife was taken, when he confronts Sean bean he begins his true journey. Killing Sean Bean is a style of reincarnation, his spirit to subvert enters bales character. Sean Bean is the catalyst, Emma Watson is guide.
That may be true, but I would have wanted Sean Bean to stick around a little longer and for there to have been a scene with great dialogue where Sean questions Bale's mindset. He can still kill him, but I wanted more of a catalyst moment.
This movie was awesome. Has its flaws. I think u could say its a poor mans matrix, but i dug it alot more. Matrix movies are sweet, no doubt. I just really like this one. Plus ive owned a bunch of that breed of dog that puppy is, so i always cheer when i see it.
I don't think there's anyway to deny the influence of the Matrix on this movie in terms of stylization (Preston's appearance is undeniably similar to Neo's, though you could argue the Watchowski's actually borrowed from Equilibrium to make Neo's suit for Reloaded/Revolution. But the combination of Preston's similar look and the highly-stylized action force you to think of the Matrix) set pieces (Matrix lobby scene v. Preston's shootout with the guards in the hall with all the pillars after the "Father" reveal), tone (darkish gray, totalitarian dystopia) and characters (Preston - Neo, William Fichtner's character - Morpheus).
The other obvious influence on the film was Gattaca (1997), another great sci-fi flick. Equilibrium basically plays out like a combination of Gattaca and the Matrix. It borrows from the Matrix for it's action and visual flare while borrowing from Gattaca for plot points and pacing. Fear of discovery drives the tension in Gattaca as it does in Equilibrium, though the protagonist's deception in Gattaca is much more meticulous. Also, since Ethan Hawke's character isn't a gunkata-wielding, near-superhuman freak, the stakes of Hawke getting caught feel a lot higher in Gattaca than in Equilibrium.
Where Equilibrium really fell short for me was failing to flesh out the characters. There just wasn't anything compelling about "Father" or Taye Diggs as villains, they had no depth. They're completely forgettable compared to Agent Smith and the Machines. While Neo and Trinity's love story feels fairly cliche and tacked on, there was zero substance between Preston and Emily Watson's character to make their "relationship" believable. Plus, didn't Preston's wife die like a year ago? I mean in the flashback his kids were basically the same age as they are in the present. But now I've digressed into plotholes, another subject.
This post made me have an aneurysm. This film is nothing like Gattaca. Comparing the two is absurd. One is a well made sci-fi flick, the other is an unoriginal, nonsensical, mess of a film that tried to ride the Matrix's coattails to box office success.
There is not one original idea in this film. It was all stolen from much better works of art/literature/cinema and then dumbed down to a level only the lowest common denominator would find entertaining, poignant, or provocative.
Its a flat-out copy of the Matrix. There's no way in hell, when this thing was pitched that they didn't mention The Matrix to the investors.
The plot? Not really Matrixy... but thats besides the point. Nobody even knows what the Matrix movies are about anymore, particularly after the sequels.
The movie is a visual copy, which is the main thing about The Matrix... Nobody even mentioned the fighting... the choreography with martial arts and guns and fast motion and slow motion. Straight lift from the Matrix.
Even look at the poster... Slicked back handsome white guy with a bald black guy to look like Fishburne. They even made Taye Diggs look tall, when in reality, he's like a foot shorter than Bale.
It is clearly inspired by The Matrix in terms of action, style and visuals. The plot is pretty much from Fahrenheit 451 though.
Matrix was so groundbreaking when it came to the silver screen in 1999 that it set the bar untill the mid 00s. Pretty much anything you see from 2000-04 has the slow-mo, the circle cam, the stylized plastic coats and every other *beep* that was done to death.
I think Equilibrium is a superior film to The Matrix though, and bears rewatching, while the Matrix looks and feel very dull to me in hindsight.