"People without emotions would be catatonic. "
No, they wouldn't. They could function and think perfectly. They would know exactly what to do to keep themselves from getting hungry or tired, etc.
Do you really believe emotion is the only motivation for people do to things? Many, MANY things can be done purely by habit, pragmatism, because one thinks its a good idea, etc.
Emotion is not needed for functioning at all, it's only needed for fight-flight-response, getting angry at others, being egotistical and selfish, and hatred.
Technically, what people (also in this movie) consider emotions, aren't really emotions at all. Joy can be felt without emotions, for example, and Love is something so cosmic, people shouldn't even talk about it until they truly and deeply know what it is (emotional lust is not love, romantic lust is not love, sexual lust is not love, etc.).
So all forms of delight are something else, but not emotions. All destructive, tearing and down-bringing 'feelz' are emotions.
But your main point is true, though - it's hard to visually show emotionless people, because if you have emotions, you wouldn't really know what it would be like if you didn't.
However, if you have ever taken drugs that basically dull your emotions and other feelings, you know exactly what it's like.
And of course we really can know what an emotionless human being would be like - so many people are on psychiatric drugs these days, you can just ask them.
Typically, someone emotionless (lacking empathy, etc.) is called a sociopath or psychopath, because they don't have anything inside them to restrict them from doing 'whatever they want', feelingwise. Sociopaths quickly learn to mimic emotions, though, so they can be very charming.
It's not a good idea to make the whole populace sociopaths in my opinion, which is why the premise is extremely silly.