Where is this film?

Is this filmed in Greece? My friend participated and was an extra and appears in the movie. She told me that it was in Greece, is it true?


Yes, on Kefallinia. They 're-built' Argostoli in Sami in the summer of 2000, and some of the really old locals were in tears when they saw the reconstructions, because it looked so much like the beautiful old Venetian-style town, then the current one.

Proof that God has a sense of humour - George W is President.


Cephalonia ...sorry just a grammar corection...im greek lol...yes it was filmed there and i was there and it was just beautiful


Have you read the sign at the airport? It says Kefallinia.

Proof that God has a sense of humour - George W is President.



Proof that God has a sense of Humor:

John Kerry received 3 Purple Hearts, 2 Silver Stars and his wound was the size of a pimple!


Patrick of Seattle


The old Venetian Argostoli was 're-built' in Sami, not in Scala. And it was indeed quite an accurate reconstruction.


Yes, definitely Sami - I was there during the filming and you could walk from Sami harbour to the set in a couple of minutes. The Cove where the Mandras diving in the water scene (start of the film) was filmed was Antisami beach, a couple of miles from Sami. Gorgeous spot and deserted the 3 or 4 times i've been there.

The 'bomb on beach' scene was Myrtos beach which is stunning but really rocky underfoot' so better viewed from afar rather than sat upon.



The Greek island of Cephalonia (Kefallonia).


its spelt alot of ways im familia with kefalonia i was actualy there when the film was being made my 1st exsprince with a film set since then its inspired me to become a director! but beautifull island only realy realised it untill i was a lil older but we are goin for our 5th holiday there this year and i cant wait!



i believe every greek island has its own beauty....i'm really sorry to say that,although i'm greek,i've been to Kefalonia only 4 times.Last time was last year,and i stayed in Agia Eu8ymia.Kefalonia IS beautiful,but we shouldnt say that it is the only beautiful greek island!

My family roots are all from greek islands.

Grandfather 1:Zakyn8os(island under Kefalonia)
Grandmother 1:Mykonos(love it!!!!)
Grandfather 2:Cyprus
Grandmother 2:Thnos

(just wanted to tell you that!!!)


I have just been to Kefalonia and I must say that it's one of the most UGLY islands that I have ever been to!It's awful!Apart from Myrtos beach,Assos village and Fiskardo the rest is for garbage!Don't spend your money there!Go to Ithaca island instead!It's waaaaaaaay better and with nicer people!

"Loved???!!You never loved anybody but yourself!!"
