What Language?

In real life during the war in what language would the two nationalities' have been communicating with each other? Would the Italians' have been speaking Greek,the Greeks' speaking Italian or would they have been talking a form of simplified English as was portrayed in the film?
For example in the scene where Captain Corelli is complimented upon his mandolin playing he says the beautiful ballad is one he has written & is called "Pelagia's Song" whereupon Mandras' mother Drosoula (the always excellent Irene Papas) looks alarmed & turns away.
Her son Mandras had admitted in a previous scene how he could not read nor write (which presumably applies also to his mother) & so with hindsight it is unlikely that either of them would be able to speak a foreign language either. Is it possible therefore that such a scene would have been spoken in Greek then at the time?
I know it is an unusual question but I am just curious thats all. :o)


I think it would be a mixture of basic Greek and Italian, i.e. some Greeks would speak basic Italians and/or some Italians basic Greek. Some of the Ionian islands (including Cephallonia where this is set) were occupied by Venetians in earlier times and in general the proximity of these islands to Italy meant that the two cultures were not entirely unfamiliar with each other.

Besides, I don't know about Italian soldiers, but I would be surprised if poor village people in Greece at the time spoke any English... Maybe the educated, the doctors, teachers etc.

But again, for the needs of Hollywood, Captain Corelli has to speak English with a (bad) Italian accent, Jean D'Arc (Mila Jovovich) has to speak English to her soldiers(the language of the enemy!!), Alexander the Great (Colin Farell) has to speak English with a distinctive Irish accent while his mother spoke English with a GRRRRRRReek accent... Go figure :-)


^^ Exactly...

Or the king of Sparta (one of the two...)speaking with that accent, what was it?

It's me, Gloria, I left my driver's licence on the table, next to the fruit!


Don't you know that everyone *really* speaks English deep down? :-)
