MovieChat Forums > Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) Discussion > BALE is the only thing that makes this m...

BALE is the only thing that makes this movie WATCHABLE!

I'm not big on love stories, especially love stories that take place during wars, but I thought I would give this movie a try because Christian Bale is my favorite actor. About half way through, I paused the movie to get a drink, and I thought, "Wow, this is actually turning out to be a really good movie!" But everything went downhill from there. Where do I begin? Cage's "Italian" accent? Cruz and Cage's nonexistent chemistry? The only reason I watched the movie all the way through was because of Christian Bale.

I read on another thread that the ending is way f-ed up from the book's ending (which I haven't read), but I thought that was kind of weird because when the doctor ended up living, I was thinking, "What? When will this movie END? They could have just let Corelli die, but no, he lived and the movie went on. The dad could have died and they could have ended it there, but no, it went on." Then, when Cage came back, I feel like there was no resolution. I didn't understand why he "tried to live without her" (until I read on the other thread on here that Corelli, in the book, thought that she had married and moved on.)

Maybe it wasn't vital to the movie, but I really wanted to know what happened to Mandras at the end! I feel like this movie really could have been good, but just fell short.


Yes, Bale is indeed great in the film (and gorge!). And yep, the movie could have been sooo much better - I think it would have been better if it had been a foreign film (like "Il Postino"). Cage's accent is laughable and Cruz's accent is just as bad - she didn't even attempt a Greek accent.

Despite this, I still like the film - if only for the Greek setting and Christian Bale.

You should read the book - it's great, nothing like the film.

About Mandras' end: At the end of the book Mandras rapes Pelagia and then walks into the sea and drowns himself.


Thanks for letting me know what happens to Mandras. I think I'll pick up the book. Is it anything like A Farewell To Arms? I don't like love/war movies, but ironically, A Farewell To Arms is one of my favorite books.

By the way, how old were the characters supposed to be? I got the impression that Pelagia, Mandras, and Corelli were supposed to be around the same age. That's another issue I have with this movie. At the beginning when Pelagia and Mandras were together, I could buy that Cruz and Bale were supposed to be somewhat younger than their characters. But after Mandras went to war, and she got with Corelli, I felt like I was watching a couple of forty years old trying to act young. Was Corelli supposed to be substantially older than Pelagia?

I guess I can't hate this movie, since Christian Bale was in it, lol, but, from what I know about the book, I think it should have stuck to it more. I hate Hollywood endings.


Hi! I don't know if Captian Corelli is like A Farewell To Arms (I haven't read it), but Captain Corelli isn't a typical love/war book. It's much more than that - the book isn't just about Pelagia and Captain Corelli's romance. Some of the chapters are from Carlo's point of view (Corelli's friend who is also gay)and characters like Kokolios and Father Aresenios play a much bigger part.
In the book I think Corelli is supposed to be a little older than Pelagia and Mandras (he sure as hell isn't supposed to be 40-odd like Nicolas Cage!!). You should read it! The only problem about it is the way Louis de Bernieres portrays the Greek freedom fighters as brutes, etc (the Greeks were angry about that).

PS: I hate Hollywood endings too! The book ends in a completely different way to the book (concerning Pelagia and Captain Corelli too) - it's actually quite a refreshing ending.


the novel is amazing!!!!! i absolutely hate this film because they could of done soooooooo much with it, it could of been spectacular. i can't stress enough how wonderful the novel is, if anyone is thinking of picking it up please, please do. Read this novel!


At the end of the book, when Pelagia is in her sixties, Corelli is in his seventies, so I reckon that he must be about ten years older (that's certainly the impression that I got, anyway). I bought the book yesterday and was up til midnight reading it (and crying, copiously) and I don't think that I'll bother with the film. I don't want a Hollywood-ised ending. I loved the way that the book finished. I also don't want to lose Carlo. I thought that he was such a beautiful character, and I really don't see why Hollywood wouldn't want him in the film. After all, he proves fairly important in the book...

As far as I can see, the film shouldn't have the same name, because it isn't the same story.


thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! it's the most amazing book in the whole UNIVERSE and Carlo is the most amazing character, i cried loads too and i can't BELIEVE they cut him from the film. That's hollywood for ya!


book is great.


Mandras really?

well the book ending is far more expecable than the "non-end" the film gave to Mandras.
What you say about the book is correspnds better with Mandras' disturbed nd dark psychology.


that's what I call an ending...
It would ave been great.

But hey... I 'm tired of all these pinky bublegum endings in Hollywood films...


Holy crap, I'm reading through your post and I'm like "I didn't like the movie, but because of sweet fanny adams' review, maybe I'll read the book OMG RAPE SCENE AND SUICIDE!"

That kind of shocked me, I can see why they changed the end of the movie, but I think the movie was beyond salvation way before the end.


i know! and i think i would rather go for christian bale than nicolas cage! lol. christian is definitely hotter! =)


i couldnt agree more



bale was the only reason to watch this movie!! loved him.. not a fan of the movie!! ...

Scary just got FREAKIN Sexy


FINALLY someone said it! Thanks Danielle for this thread. I was thinking the same thing when I saw this movie years ago. I was like: "What? This is it?"

Nicolas Cage is not the greatest actor (IMO), and maybe he's done better in his previous roles, but this was not one of them. I didn't even sense any chemistry between Cage and Penelope Cruz. It was nonexsistent. Besides, what girl in their RIGHT mind would actually choose a balding, older, Nicolas Cage, to a younger, handsome, non-balding Christian Bale?? LOL* I was sitting there thinking: "yeah right!" Her boyfriend/fiance (Bale) wasn't even a bad guy. He was actually a fairly likeable guy, and he seemed to treat his fiance right.

This movie didn't really seem believable, and the only good thing about this movie WAS Christian Bale. I'm not saying that just because I'm a fan either. I came into this film with an open mind, but in the end, Bale who was the lesser character in the film ended up being the more memorable.


You know, Vins gurl, I was thinking the same thing: what girl in her right mind would choose Nicolas Cage over Christian Bale? That alone made this movie very unbelievable.

Christian Bale is the best thing about this movie. And, it's so neat to read how many people think he is the best thing in every movie he has done. What an incredible actor!


When was the last time you heard these exact words: You are the sunshine of my life?


"what girl in their RIGHT mind would actually choose a balding, older, Nicolas Cage, to a younger, handsome, non-balding Christian Bale?? LOL* I was sitting there thinking: "yeah right!" Her boyfriend/fiance (Bale) wasn't even a bad guy. He was actually a fairly likeable guy, and he seemed to treat his fiance right. " - Vins_gurl18

I dont see how people can agree with your statement. I thought that the fact that Cruz chose the less attractive out of the two males, makes the movie believable, unlike most hollywood movies where the gorgeous main girl ends up with model-gorgeous, seemingly perfect male. I loved the fact that the film-makers chose these actors for these roles knowing that Pelagia was going to choose Captain Corelli and i admire them for going against stereotypical hollywood endings and perhaps conveying that love involves loving a person for who they are and not what they may look like or appear to be!

I personally loved this movie, its one of my favourites! I think its well made, the cinematography is absolutely amazing and in response to those of you who think the ending was imcomplete, i think that by leaving it open-ended allowed the audience to appreciate it as a unique film, not just another hollywood movie. It also needs to be seen that it has been a considerable amount of time between when Pelagia and Captain Corelli last see each other and when he comes back. It would be ridiculous and unbelievable for them to behave as though they are in a relationship. I think the simple hug ends it perfectly in that it leaves the audience believing that they will be together without blatantly conveying a fairytale ending.

Anyway, those are my two cents! Enjoy!


Hey i guess everybody forgot that this was a movie made by Holloywood. Movies arent supposed to be believable they are supposed to be entertaining...suprise suprise. Anyways i actually like this movie. Of course i didnt read the book but then i dont ever make the mistake of thinking the movie is gonna be anywhere close to as good as the book. Also I think Nicholas Cage is hot not in the same way as Christian Bale (which Im also a big fan of) but still hot. Also the way it was portrayed in the movie it seems that Pelegia and Mandras decided to get married more out of lust and childish fantasy than actual love. While it seemed that her and Corelli had more of a connection.


christian bale really was the only thing this movie had going for it and at the end u dont even know what happenes to him! the ending in the book sounds sorta sad for his character...ive not read it though. i think it was dumb that cruz's chahracter didnt even know that her fiance couldnt read! thats just sad. and the chemistry between cage and cruz was pathetic. i literally would get up and go do other things while this movie was on...when i would hear bale is the only time i really paid attention. i rented this movie being warned that it wasnt very good, but being a fan of bale i decided to see his performance in it. at least he didnt dissapoint me.
any other bale fans who have seen all the little animals, i thought it is interesting to see bale and hurt together again. bale really likes working with the same people again: emily watson in metroland and equilibrium and toni collet(or however its spelled) in velvet goldmine and shaft. just though that was ineresting. alrighty. byebye


I rented the movie specifically to see Christian Bale so yeah, I totally agree. Personally, I'm not much of a Nicholas Cage fan - he just has this really long face and mopes about all over the place. Christian Bale on the other hand - my favorite scene in the whole movie was when Pelagia was reading her letters out to him and for a moment he stops and looks at her - in all his glory ...


omg i no i couldnt believe that u dont no what happens to him in the end of the movie.. i havent read the book but i hear its very very different from the movie!! so no hope there!!

Scary just got FREAKIN Sexy


"what girl in their RIGHT mind would actually choose a balding, older, Nicolas Cage, to a younger, handsome, non-balding Christian Bale??"

hahahaha I completely agree, Christian portraits the perfect boyfriend: handsome,sweet,funny,lovely,taking care of his g/f,etc...

I always liked Christian Bale, not only for his looks,i always thought he was a good actor, but this last month i´ve watched some of his movies (Equilibrium,Captain Corelli´s mandolin (these 2 for the 1st time),American Psycho (this one for the 5th time) and i´m becoming a fan, I simply love him :-)



I'm on a Christian Bale kick too. "Batman Begins" started this kick, and I've been trying to find as many of his movies as I can. I've seen "Batman Begins" three times, "Empire of the Sun" (I own it. Wonderful movie), "Newsies" (I own it), "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (again, I own it), "Equilibrium," "American Psycho," "Reign of Fire," (bad movie, but CB is the best thing about it), and "Little Women." I'm becoming quite the fan as well! He's an amazing actor and so hot as well!


When was the last time you heard these exact words: You are the sunshine of my life?


Hahah..I'm glad some people agree with me.

I mean, I guess it's true, it is just a matter of taste afterall. And I suppose Mandras wasn't the BEST guy for Pelagia. I mean, he was kind of dim-witted, and didn't know how to read or write. But I don't think his practical jokes on her were ever done in malice. I think towards the middle and end of the film you see that Mandras does in fact really love her. But yeah, they probably weren't meant for each other. :(

But hands down, Christian was probably the best thing about this film. No offense. I didn't particularly care for either of the characters much, but Mandras was the most interesting. I wanted to know more about him. I wish the director didn't make him so one-dimensional.

But yes, Christian Bale is HOT, and I know who I would pick between him and Cage! Hahaha! That's not even a fair question! It's no contest.

I just don't like the "love" movies where the girl (or guy) cheats on their fiance, or boyfriend (or g/f) simply because the significant other is a "jerk", or because they fall in love with someone else. UGH. I can't STAND that storyline! I didn't like how Pelagia just basically cheated on Mandras with Captain Corelli. At least BREAK up with your jerk significant other FIRST and THEN go with the person you "love"! Don't cheat on the person!


What a piece of crap movie. The ONLY reason I watched the whole movie was to see what happend to Christian Bale's character. He's the only reason to watch this forgetable film.


Yes, Bale is ...everything. I love him.

peace out


I hated the way the film ended! And I think if they left Mandras the way he was in the book Christian Bale would have done a bloody good job at playing him that way.

As for their ages, when the book opens Pelagia is 17. And Corelli says somewhere that he is less than 30.

I Love Bale too. I just saw Empire of the Sun. It was brilliant! Shame it was completely overlooked.


i totally agree
i also think pelagia should have ended up with mandras!!! they had more chemsitry and bale is absolutely GORGEOUS.

and it was evident that he loved her far more than that stupid cage did.


Glad to know that I'm not the only one that thinks the same way I do. I rented the movie today and was reading the plot and I busted out laughing! I made my sister read it and we were literally in tears! Cage over Bale???!!!! The movie was OK, loved CB's hair...
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


I still think the sexiest man in the ENTIRE movie was John Hurt hands down....

the mustache gets me everytime...


You can't just go and marry someone you don't love just to be nice. Teenage crushes and real love are two different things.



By way of Long Beach California?
My Grandmother was polish, i've also got irish and highland blood. Do you know what that makes me?
I would have as much trouble pulling off an effective polish accent as Cage did an Italian one.


The thing is, Cage made such a pathetic Corelli.
In the book, Antonio Corelli is supposed to be a really charismatic, humourous character; not a mopey idiot like Cage portrays. I mean, he is supposed to be a man loved by all his soldiers, and who gains the true love of both Pelagia and Carlo. I couldn't believe this of Cage, and I didn't like either him or Cruz enough to really care. Similarly, the character of Mandras was just too nice - having him save Corelli was just absurdly Hollywood.

Gene Hunt: She's as nervous as a very small nun at a penguin shoot


I am a big CB fan and hope to eventually own all of his films on DVD but I still haven't gotten around to seeing this one. It just doesn't appeal to me really. Although from the pics I've seen he looks hot in it. ;) OK, I'm sounding completely shallow now...

But I agree with what others have said: Cage over Bale = WTF!? Talk about miscasting. That alone puts me off wanting to see the movie.


John Hurt is also good.


Mandras saves Corelli? What the hell? I haven't seen the film yet, but that is appalling. The fact that many viewers cannot understand why Pelagia chose Corelli over Mandras just shows how the film makers completely butchered the story. Whilst reading the book, you begin to gradually detest Mandras and dread the idea of him coming back into Pelagia's life, and you constantly root for her and Corelli due to their chemistry and love for one another. SPOILER - Mandras brutaly attacks Pelagia and attempts to rape her in the book because of her relationship with Corelli - he would NOT attempt to save Corelli. That was meant to be for Carlo to do. I'm very sad to hear that the role of Carlo was butchered. He's one of my favourite characters.


I love both the book and the movie version. I don't mind that the movie's producers and director chose to focus mainly on the love triangle story and not cramming it with a lot of characters like in the book where there's a preponderance of subplots for these characters. I love it that I have seen a different take of the story from the original, not merely a visual and aural repetition of the printed novel. I think the four main actors - Cage, Bale, Cruz and Hurt - did very well in portraying their filmic roles.

As someone has said above, it's a matter of personal taste ... to each his own.

I've quoted below one of the earliest posters on this thread which surprised me for reflecting almost exactly what I think and feel about this movie, with my own choices of emphasis:

by moocow247 (Sun Jan 15 2006 05:50:19
"what girl in their RIGHT mind would actually choose a balding, older, Nicolas Cage, to a younger, handsome, non-balding Christian Bale?? LOL* I was sitting there thinking: "yeah right!" Her boyfriend/fiance (Bale) wasn't even a bad guy. He was actually a fairly likeable guy, and he seemed to treat his fiance right. " - Vins_gurl18

I dont see how people can agree with your statement. I thought that the fact that Cruz chose the less attractive out of the two males, makes the movie believable, unlike most hollywood movies where the gorgeous main girl ends up with model-gorgeous, seemingly perfect male. I loved the fact that the film-makers chose these actors for these roles knowing that Pelagia was going to choose Captain Corelli and i admire them for going against stereotypical hollywood endings and perhaps conveying that love involves loving a person for who they are and not what they may look like or appear to be!

I personally loved this movie, its one of my favourites! I think its well made, the cinematography is absolutely amazing and in response to those of you who think the ending was imcomplete, i think that by leaving it open-ended allowed the audience to appreciate it as a unique film, not just another hollywood movie. It also needs to be seen that it has been a considerable amount of time between when Pelagia and Captain Corelli last see each other and when he comes back. It would be ridiculous and unbelievable for them to behave as though they are in a relationship. I think the simple hug ends it perfectly in that it leaves the audience believing that they will be together without blatantly conveying a fairytale ending.

It's three years since this thread was started by the OP and am glad it's still attracting a few posters up to now.

Truth has an inscrutable,inexorable way of seeking out and revealing Itself into the Light.


I don't think someone would fall in love with someone's looks. I mean I love Christian Bale; he's a hot actor who can actually act. But if there was this goodlooking guy who had a bad personality or was someone who was a psychotic rapist would you marry him because he's "hot". I'm not comparing that to Mandras I'm just trying to make a point. Even in the beginning Pelagia says "You fall in love with the person not their body". And her father says he doesn't think they're a good match. I actually like the movie even though it seems rushed in some scenes or feels like there's something missing. Like the movie All the Pretty Horses (another Cruz movie) would have been good if Billy Bob Thornton wasn't forced to cut the movie down from it's original length. I don't think that happened with this movie but it would of been nice if it was like the book and didn't jump around. Plus the chemistry between Cruz and Cage was.....hard to watch.

The Dark Knight


Hmmmm.... Really torn. Do I tollerate watching my least liked actor (If you can call him an actor as he can't act) ever (Nicolas Cage) just so I can watch another film with my favourite actor (Who can actually act)evr (Christian Bale)? Decisions decisions...

This secret heart that you're trying to conceal Is the very same one You're dying to reveal...



Ooooh! If thats the case, then I can't resist! ^_^ (I'll just have to pretend Cage isn't in it!)
Hmmm. I know what you mean, and his films aren't near long enough either! ^_~

This secret heart that you're trying to conceal Is the very same one You're dying to reveal...



So I'd avoided watching this film because I was hoping for news of a good ending --by which I mean she ends up with CB. On the other hand, if, at least, it's not a dreadful ending (I think a rape and suicide would be a dreadful ending) maybe I'll give it a chance. Youtube has some nice bits from it--but I think it's definitely a "wait for netflix" movie.
