Why did?

Why did the Nazi soldiers there murder his men...were they SS troops I didn't get to see their collar patches. Educated replies, please.

Vive Deutchsland


The Germans viewed the Italians as traitors after the Italian governement surrendered to the Allies in 1943. My Grandpa was in U-Boat training when this happened and the Germans put him and his Italian unit on a train to god knows where. Luckily he jumped off, but his cousin didn't and they never saw him again. After I saw this movie I came to the conclusion that the Germans probaly shot everybody on that train.

It has been awhile since I saw the movie, but I am sure I remeber the SS runes on their collar and due to their unique camo pattern I think they were SS soldiers. If not, then they would be Stormtroopers.


Thanks for the rep! Strange enough, both my Greatgrandfather were U-boat soldats and i'm sorry to hear about his cousin.

They could have been SS with the SS looking camo...however the German troops in Italy were outfited with that kind of camo on average, But after hearing the director commentary he said this was commited by both SS and some wermacht units.

Vive Deutchsland


SS troops were the first to use camo patterns in military history.


Wow, I never knew that!

Vive Deutchsland


Your stories about your relatives were most interesting. I appreciate your sharing them with us.
