It was very unfair that they hang her. The German soldier was just following orders. They should not have hanged her. It was very unfair. The two guys who did that deserves to get life in prison with no parole. What they did to her was equivalent to what the Nazis did. Just because this Greek girl danced with a German this does not mean that she betrayed Greeks. This was revenge not justice.
Of course, no one had any problem with the fact that Pelagia was in love with the Italian officer Corelli, and even had sex with him. But the Italians are always regarded in the movies as the good enemy, as opposed to the Germans and the Japanese, who are the bad enemies.
I believe that Palagia’s romantic relationship with Corelli, which was obvious to the Greek community, was taking place while the Italians were still an occupying force in alliance with the Germans.
Too bad discussions like this will soon be no more.
Was it? There was no public display of affection between the two. Yes the father (doctor) knew and the would be mother in law may have sensed there was an issue but their liaisons were all in private.
And why do say "discussions like this will soon be no more?"
You may be right. I would have to watch it again to be sure.
As for the end of these discussions, when you click on the message boards, there is a statement at the top saying that on February 20, the message boards will be eliminated and our ability to contact each other through emails as we are right now will no longer be possible. We are advised to have our discussions about movies on other social media sites, which makes no sense to me at all.
Some say the trolls did it, that IMDb is tired of monitoring for inappropriate content. One example given of trollish behavior was that of criticizing people who like Casablanca. I don't know about you, but I have thicker skin than that.
If you discover an alternative for these discussions about movies before February 20, let me know.
Ohhhh Ship! This is really disappointing. I love IMDB's message/discussion boards! They allow you to explore the events and themes of a film ... kinda like a book club. They allow you to learn and share the experience. Kinda like we are now discussing CCM. And where else can you do this? Nowhere!
I have been watching IMDB for the last few years ... they have not improved their site at all ... as far as I am concerned. For instance you cannot search the reviews or message boards for a particular theme ... like you can in Yelp or Trip Advisor or even Amazon.
Speaking of Amazon ... Amazon owns IMDB ... so you can see where that is going.
On the other hand I hate message boards that are not monitored ... they are so vile and disrespectful.
Dam ... this is really bad news for me ... I can get lost for hours in these message boards. I think this will hurt IMDB in the long run. The site needs to be more than a commercial for what is now playing.