Question about Early Scene

I watched the film last weekend and generally enjoyed it. However, one thing I didn't understand:

In the opening few scenes of the movie, there is a young lady running for her life across the country side. She tries to climb down a sort of cliff/mountain. As she's climbing, it appears that she is suddenly in the grasp of some otherworldly being that repeatedly slammed against the rocks.

What the hell was supposed to be doing that to her? It clearly wasn't the beast, there was nothing there. Some sort of demonic possession or spirit?


No, it was the beast, just out of view. The director was referencing the first kill in Jaws, where the menace is invisible and the viewer can only see the girl's reactions from the waist up.


The beast had the girl by the legs and was whipping her around, smashing her against the rocks. How hard is that to figure out?


"Some sort of demonic possession or spirit?"

- I know you did not post this as a joke, but I seriously could not stop laughing about this.

"What I do in public is my own business, damn it."
