The Epileptic Gypsy?

Aftewr seeing this movie a few times (I love it more with every viewing) I am still slightly confused about something. The gypsy woman rescued in the beginning of the film shows herself a few more times in the film, but her character is confusing to me. Is her purpose to show Mani as a caring person, i.e. he moves to defend her when the two guys grab her, then he looks disgusted/hurt as she kisses the both of them. Or is she just screen filler, a plot line that eventually goes nowhere?

That which yeilds is not always weak


I think she was put throught out the movie to show that those who were on the beast side are every where.

I like the fact that they made Mani look like a caring guy as the Native American Indians have always been made out as savagers.


I think it did show Mani as caring. I also thought they were setting it up so that she would help lead Mani astray. They don't show the full details of how he was killed but she may have been a decoy. I don't remember any deleted scenes that elaborated further.


She was pretty hot, too bad she had to be stabbed in the throat at the end.

BTW which actress played her?


She was hot... but had her throat slashed by someone even hotter.

~Spirit desire, spirit desire, we will fall.~


Damn straight.


I was wondering the same thing. Just what was the deal with her? There was never any explanation as to why she was acting so crazy. Or just what her relationship was at the end. Why did they kill her as well. She seemed like she was off the radar of the main character for the entire movie.


La bavarde was as much a sadist as Jean Francois. She was involved in the attack on the shepherd's children, she instigated the fights with Mani at the hunt, she distracted Mani long enough for Jean Francois to shoot him, and nearly knifed Fronsac. Left to her own devices without the rest of the Pacte to restrain her, she would have used the Beast to cause even more devatation and terror. Sylvia knew she was a loose cannon and had to dispatch her.


A red herring she was. Gypsy? Was there anything that said that the peasants were Gypsies?

Imagine that.


i was just about to start a topic on this. i mean she seemed like a god damn pointless character to the movie


La Bavarde was Mani's Achilles heel. Because of Mani's compassion for her, Jean-François was able to use her to kill him.

She also served to further exemplify the clash between the ideologies of the Enlightenment and the Middle Ages. During her seizure, her father and Fronsac have to protect her from the crowd, who think she's being demonically possessed. Fronsac knows she has epilepsy, but an epileptic can still be evil, just like anyone else.


I'm glad that slut got what she deserved in the end.

Plus it was a well excuted kill by Sylvia.


It seemed as if EVERY man was smitten by her, whereas Sylvia was immune to her charms and slit the b*tch's throat!

I just watched this again tonight and when Jean-Francois witnessed the knife in the mouth during the seizure he was almost human...

Glad he put that to rest in the end by completely wigging out, raping his sister and dying. :)


The way i see it she was just there for some more attractive feminine presence and was convenient to use in the plot to introduce Mani as a skilled warrior (he fights twice because of her), Fronsac as an enlightened man (the epilepsy scene) and bring about Mani's death. Seeing her die at the end only has one point: it looked good. Two hot girls, a fan, a pretty cool kill. That's it.
I really think that's the only point of her character. Strangely enough that makes her the most interesting thing in that film. Probably because nobody can figure out who she is or what she's doing in the story. Makes her more mysterious. Again that this completely pointless, just convenient character is the most interesting thing in the film shows how darn stupid Le Pacte des Loups is. The only good thing about it is that it's a rare French attempt at a larger scale film. That's rare enough in French cinema to be pointed out.

Eibhlinn Savage

[insert movie quote]


Christ if this film is stupid it's a much better class of stupid than the majority of films approaching it's type.

So the girl only served to illustrate six or seven character and plot points.

That's more than Nat Portman does in three Star Wars prequels and she wasn't even a major character.


You're gonna have to give examples of films "approaching its type".
I'd rewatch Star Wars with Natalie Portman any day over this. Not that the Star Wars were brilliant, mind you, but the more I think about it, the less I like Le Pacte des Loups. It didn't really stir my interest. The French have done better. The one thing I'll say for it is it's rare enough to see the French make an attempt at a movie of this kind of magnitude, so that's always welcome. The French to be scared of super-productions as they think it necessarily means a loss of creativity and depth, which is one of the many prejudices that are currently choking French cinema to death.

Eibhlinn Savage

[insert movie quote]


People just dont pay attention, she was the daughter of the animal caretaker as introduced right in the beginning. She lured Mani more then once into a fight, the last one being decisive for him, his hesitation to strike got him killed, the idiot.
So she wasnt a loose end or screenfiller and got exactly what she diserved.

Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-

