Liked the movie... BUT...

Was filmed nicely, some good acting, and couple of hot gals.

I think the theory of the 'beast' that the movie presents, is plausible enough to not be distracting.

IMO, the main problem of the movie was the way overdone fight scenes. Why in the heck would you have everyone using asian style martial arts, when there is a perfectly awesome martial arts style in that era and location already?

I think it would have been much better to use european sword fighting, and for Mani, a more realistic looking fighting style, including alot of knife and tomahawk.

Also way too much slo mo in it.


Think of it as a European legend retold as a Japanese comic book.


Well, I disagree.

I think the fight scenes are the best choreographed and filmed I have ever seen.

I like the use of slo mo until the kick, and then the fast forward when they hit the ground :-)

<<House: Oh, I'm sorry. Is suicide taboo? .... I could kill myself!>>


^seconded, that was a definite highligh of this movie. Althought, I do agree with OP's point



OP, your point is interesting but you assume that only the Asians ever used their legs in combat. The fact that kicking had to be banned in most organised brawling in Europe (it's in the rules) shows that this is not the case. And if you watch the film again, you will see that really it is only Mani that uses anything like 'Asian' style fighting. The others fight much more freely.

Kicks were part of hand to hand all over the world. It would be stupid not to utilise such powerful limbs. In asia the fighting techniques were formulated and preserved and became specific arts. And the 'perfectly awesome' martial art you are talking about is probably Savate, but it technically wasn't around at that time. It was however an example of the importation of Asian fighting styles into Europe. The conceit of the film is that the beginnings of this kind of importation are what is being used.



>> And the 'perfectly awesome' martial art you are talking about is probably Savate, but it technically wasn't around at that time.<<

Actually i was referring to Euro style sword fighting.


Personally I think that without these attributes the film would not be the same. I love this movie for all the same reasons you don't.
I measure intelligence on the basis of a species compatibility to live in harmony with nature.


Why does everyone always assume when someone is using his or hers legs in a hand to hand fight theyre doing kungfu.
I have seen alot of asian martial arts movies, from the very first up to now and i can tell what he was doing isnt anything kungfu related, hes just a good freestyle fighter that uses his body to get the job done, including legs.
If he just used his fists, i wouldve been dissapointed, i dont know that but i dont think native americans were good in boxing.
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-
