Crazy movie

A lion in a suit of armour

An native american who does martial arts

A man with one arm who actually has 2 arms, just one is scarred with manky nails.

A sword that comes into pieces like a whip and reforms.

The hero dying and then being unearthed and not actually dead.

The bad guy raping (I presume) his sister, then she looks like she's going to die but doesn't.

The way it's narrated retrospectively by a guy who is going to the guilotine in the french revolution.

And more.


thats what makes it so great

reply not watch a second time!


I watched it for the fourth time last night and I enjoyed it even more than the first time.


I lost count howmany times i popped that DVD in my player ^^ Dunno when ill get bored with it, but it sure will be a long long time before that ever happens.

Blessed are the poor of mind for they will see God ...
and the cross-eyed twice,
so OP, there is still hope for you.
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


Yup and it was incredible. You don't really see movies like this very often.


yeah i luved it too. seen it 5 times now and its always enjoyable ;0

"Quit now and cake will be served immediately."


Which is why it's one of my all time faves. Love this film!



This is a forum to discuss the movie, t-p. If you don't want to know about the plot, don't read the posts.


Yes, a wild and crazy movie.


When I describe it to friends, I call it a martial arts, horror movie displayed as a period piece with french subtitles, nudity and a dash of incest. Definitely a genre-bender.


That's quite an interesting way to describe the film. Very creative. Touche.
Sic vis pacem para bellum.


very good movie....always love seeing monica bellucci in european movies too.

it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it


"A lion in a suit of armour

An native american who does martial arts"

And a man bitten by a spider and which rises to walls
And an other who changes color when he is angry
Or an other who flies in a spaceship and speak has a monkey of 2m10

la magie du cinema...
