I agree wholeheartedly. I think it is one of the best film I've seen actually 9 out of 10 from me. (how that guy can say it't the worst film he's ever seen is beyond me.)
I love films that take you on a journey somewhere and this film had that - pure escapism. I thought the humour was warm and real. I loved Brad Pitt's character - not the usual great all-American, flawless, super tough guy hero, but someone who makes goof ups all the time (like dropping his gun every five minutes) and somehow manages to get out of them. Usually I do not like Julia Roberts much but I found her to be totally convincing here. I thought their relationship was hilarious and very believable. The guy (sorry, I forget his name) who played the homosexual hit man was great too. In fact all the actors were great. I loved the conversations, the facial expressions, the situations, the storyline, the way the sub-plot tale about the gun itself was told from different angles in black n white flash backs, the soundtrack, the imagary of the sets - everything. It's just a great film.
The fact that this film only currently has a 6.0 rating on IMDb makes me lose my faith in the judgement of people who come here.
Algis Kuliukas