Fairly Enjoyable

This is by far not the greatest movie ever, and not Gore's best either but it was fairly enjoyable to watch. The story was a little disjointed but the acting, although some claim to be bad, fit the style of the movie.

I'd give it a 6


I can´t believe i watched it all the way through.

What a waste of talent from the two stars.

Stupid story, terrible script and just plain bad.

The dog was OK though. Good acting.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


I actually really enjoyed this movie and was interested the whole time.
Perhaps expectations have a lot to do with people's reactions with this one...
because my expectations were low...and it was much better than I thought it would be. Funny, then whoa!, then cute little ever changing story haha. (until it got to the last story...that one was the best :))
Also, the dog intrigued me. haha.
