What the hell................. .!
Ok, so i know this has nothing to do with IMDB but I had to vent and so I'm doing it here.
So it's late and there is nothing on and I'm sick of DVDs so I see The Mexican is going to be on TBS. I like the movie so I start to watch it.....
Half way through all of the sudden I start getting Spanish language dubbing after the English line is spoken. It's like a Spanish echo after the English.
To make it clear, I speak English and not Spanish which really makes no difference since it was so distracting neither English or Spanish speakers would enjoy it!
But get this.... It's only when Julia and James characters speak! Not Brad's part. It's only in English! So my question is this...WTF TBS? And two... Did anyone else happen to watch this same showing which you can see by my time stamp when it was on as I'm kinda watching it right now thinking it might fix itself.
I've never seen this happen on broadcast TV and no, it's not my TV. I checked and besides, it started out fine. So it must be a broadcast DVD thing? I dunno but there you have it. My rant.
So, anyone else witness this?
Ok, so in the time I've written this, it is now in English only again. It lasted about half an hour.. I'm still curious though... WTH it's late and I'm bored....