MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > Help. Who hired Winston and Leroy???

Help. Who hired Winston and Leroy???

Help. Who hired Winston and Leroy???



They were hired to kick Jerry in the to speak.


Leroy was hired by Marquiles, winston by the guy with the glasses that Julia shoots through the throat.


Nayman hired Leroy on Margolese's behalf. It's the only way Ted could have known Leroy was on the case, through Nayman. Leroy was the "official" operative, working for Margolese, through Nayman. But Nayman also hired Winston, for himself, behind Margolese's back, in his effort to usurp Margolese's empire. Nayman hired them both, and set them against each other. Whichever of them found the gun would deliver it to Nayman. He was a real ______.
