MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > was Gandolfini REALLY gonna kill Julia/b...

was Gandolfini REALLY gonna kill Julia/brad ?

i didnt understand gandolfini being killed,Brad said that Gandolfini was gonna kill them both so he shot him first. did we see gandolfini try to kill brad ? i dont recall seeing that... maybe i missed a bit. in the version i saw it just shows gandolfini dead but it doesnt show who was gonna shoot who first. so we dont know if he was still a hitman or had become julias friend.


Been awhile since I'd seen it, so my version of events may be a bit mixed up...

Car trouble, tire to be specific. Gandolfini goes to fix it, Pitt pulls a gun and aims it at him. Gandolfini sees his reflection in the hubcap. Pitt can't bring himself to pull the trigger, puts it away. Gandolfini smiles.

They switch places. Gandolfini now pulls a gun and aims it at Pitt. Pitt also sees this in the hubcap reflection, pulls his gun, turns and aims. The camera cuts to Julia Roberts and we hear the gunshot.

Somebody catch me if I'm wrong here, I haven't seen the movie since it was originally in the theater.


You got it the wrong way round, Gandolfini pulls the gun on Pitt first.

"I never had any friends again like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anybody?"

reply it was BRAD who the bad guy after all!!!! i thought so. how come hes still seen as a good guy at the end ? (after killing the hit man with a soft heart). doesnt make sense.


I just seen this movie for the first time, yeah Brad was trying to change the tire first and the hitman was going to shoot him from behind, but then some vehicles came down the road and made him think twice for some reason, then brad let him try changing the tire where he could then see in the reflection what was happening behind him, brad I think knew he would see so to let him know that brad had seen what he was going to do to him already and force him to make his decision right then while brad could be ready for it. It was a twisty moment in the movie, had to watch closely to get it I think. Brad wasn't the bad guy but he did know who Leory really was, the other guy was not who julia thought he was either even though they had bonded in stockholm syndroming kind of way.


Ok, look at it this way... The movie was about fate and love. The continuous stories about the weapon, the gay hitman, and JR & BP's relationship. Now 'ol Mr. G there DID get the drop on him and then hesitated when the vehicles went by. BUT he simply could of waited a moment and still shot him. But he then realizes that fate (the vehicles) interfered with the shot and at the same time he wanted to give their relationship a chance seeing as he lost his only chance at happiness back at that hotel.

Throughout the movie he demonstrates by his actions that his hitman days are over in his mind. Perhaps he never was a true hitman, but his character did have skills. Either way you look at it, he GAVE BP the opportunity to shoot him.... That much is apparent and his motives may be emotionally related. If that makes any sense. I hope it does, its 1am and Im tired. haha



It amuses me when people seem to can't distinguish characters from actors.


This may be a moot point, since this thread is so old, but all the explanations here don't quite get it right.

Winston was definitely going to kill Jerry, and probably Samantha, too. When he saw the Mexican in the glove compartment, he knew that he didn't need either of them alive anymore. In fact, he needs them dead because so they can't rat him out to Margolies. When Jerry is changing the tire, Winston pulls the gun on him and is about to pull the trigger (which Jerry sees in the hubcap), but then he sees all the traffic coming, and he drops the gun to his side, out of sight of the oncoming traffic. He then volunteers to change the tire, most likely with the idea that he should probably kill them in a more secluded area.

Now that Jerry knows that Winston is going to kill them, he pulls his gun on Winston while Winston is changing the tire. But then he looks up and sees Samantha, and he knows that he can't do it - if he shoots Winston in the back, it means that he's no different from Winston. If he does that, there's no way he'll ever get Samantha back. In that moment of hesitation, you can see him waver, and he lowers the gun a little bit; Winston catches that in the hubcap, and he seizes the moment to turn and pull his gun on Jerry. Jerry shoots Winston in that moment not in cold blood or malice, but in self-defense.


It's confusing but endlessly fascinating to me, what this film does. But here's the deal:

The Real Leroy is a brutal hitman who works for the good boss (Margolese);

Winston is a gentle hitman who's working for the evil boss (Nayman).

So when they're both dead by the end... it's hard to know how to feel. Basically they were both evil. The other difference is, Winston knows he's a bad person.


» Mon Feb 25 2013 19:20:55 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2006

This may be a moot point, since this thread is so old, but all the explanations here don't quite get it right.

Winston was definitely going to kill Jerry, and probably Samantha, too. When he saw the Mexican in the glove compartment, he knew that he didn't need either of them alive anymore. In fact, he needs them dead because so they can't rat him out to Margolies. When Jerry is changing the tire, Winston pulls the gun on him and is about to pull the trigger (which Jerry sees in the hubcap), but then he sees all the traffic coming, and he drops the gun to his side, out of sight of the oncoming traffic. He then volunteers to change the tire, most likely with the idea that he should probably kill them in a more secluded area.

Now that Jerry knows that Winston is going to kill them, he pulls his gun on Winston while Winston is changing the tire. But then he looks up and sees Samantha, and he knows that he can't do it - if he shoots Winston in the back, it means that he's no different from Winston. If he does that, there's no way he'll ever get Samantha back. In that moment of hesitation, you can see him waver, and he lowers the gun a little bit; Winston catches that in the hubcap, and he seizes the moment to turn and pull his gun on Jerry. Jerry shoots Winston in that moment not in cold blood or malice, but in self-defense.

This is the correct version. Winston was definitely going to whack Jerry. It was just a question of where and when. Jerry shot in self-defense. Winston likely would have whacked Sam too, because she would have been a witness. Things had gotten funky.



Good post
