Why does Chloe need fairies??? She's a typical goody two shoes overachiever kid. Timmy has fairies because his parents are dumb as rocks and neglect him, his babysitter is evil, his teacher is a freak, and he gets picked on at school. So what, Chloe's TOO perfect so she needs fairies to grant her wishes??? Where the heck are Tootie's fairies then because her life is way worse! Chloe doesn't need a whole family of fairies- she would have been just fine with a regular mortal dog or something.
A better question is why is there such a shortage of fairies in the first place? If it's that big of a deal, why doesn't Jorgen be her fairy, or even one that's a background character--like Binky? It makes you wonder how awful things are at the fairy academy if there's no one left to keep up with the kids.
Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles
OK Just watched premeiere and AS THE HANDEL IMPLIES
Fairies Make Scented candles now better pay
Aside from desperation on the writers part remember everyone thought the show would end when Poof and Sparky joined the show?
It is a known fact that Timmy at times is selfish
Makes Bad Wishes with Horrible consequences WITHOUT thinking things through
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo MAYBE Chloe is a "conscience" of some sort?
Posssibly a "Dinkelberg" equivilant for Timmy?
OR as stated in the show though CLEARLY her heart is in the right place her wishes are the flipside of Timmy's Remember the magic Pencil that never runs out
Lumber jacks are unemployed massive Forrest Growth
A momkey makes primates Lords of the Earth Human oppression
Chloe helps the Power Puff Girl reject Monster so he is able to DESTROY more not her intention BUT.........
Also Chloe is Timmy's opposite Timmy Selfish Not to smart Chloe Smart DEFINETLY not selfish?
Personally I think shes his Dinkleberg after all why does Timm's Dad hate Dinkelburg so much?
Preview was not terrible just in short DISORGANIZED DESPERATION "running out of ideas" writers?
Tooties doesn't have fairies probably because she is vickys sister so they be afraid that she find out. Plus she kinda say everything that comes to mind