Just curious...

Do they still air this show or air any new episodes? It was my fav cartoon back in the days and was curious if they still made new episodes since I haven't heard or seen anything about it like have with spongebob...


From what I heard from my friend is that its Unofficialy canceled which sucks cause it was a good show


Back when they ran their own website I was a regular. Got the autographed poster fer chrissake. But CBS/Viacom is just rerunning it into the ground. How many times now, cancelled then uncancelled then cancelled again?

Guess they figure the breeders keep plopping out audience to whom it's 'new'. Think that's the whole Nickelodeon concept. When they turn 15 they're supposed to switch to MTV or as we call it now, Empty Vee. But they're switching to texting, twitbook and myface.

So CBS doesn't give a flop about development or sustaining audience.

Guacamole in my choos
