How do you know your kids watch too much Dora?
They fight with each other in SPANISH.
good lord.
They fight with each other in SPANISH.
good lord.
My daughter spoke spanish before english. She could count to ten in Spanish first as well!
My children aren't quite old enough for this yet, but my husband and my 3 year old frequently use spanish words they've heard on Dora, luckily I watch it too so I know what they're saying!
I've gotta say, I would have loved this show when I was little. Now I find it annoying, but then again I'm seventeen and not as interested with silly songs, talking animals and bright colors. Still, it's definitely educational, teaching young kids basic vocabulary in another language, broadening their horizons at a young age. It could help them become interested in other cultures. Yep. Go, Dora.
God has a sense of humor. Just look at the platypus.
Definnatly the spanish. I don't watch all te episodes, so my child knows some more words than I do.
The funniest thing was when we were flying a kit and she was telling me "Run daddy, Run! Corhey (SP?) daddy, corhey!" Which is from the episode where Dora has to joind Daisy's soccer team so they can play.
Haha, yeah "corre." That's so cute!
God has a sense of humor. Just look at the platypus.
My 3yo loves Dora so much that whenever I put the CD in to listen to it makes her want to watch the show! Whenever we're going somewhere I always use the "Map" technique and say first we cross the bridge and then we go up the hill and that's how we get to the grocery store. She really likes that.