Last name?

Can anybody tell me (with certainty) what Dora's last name is?



her middle name is the and her last name is explorer.

Watch TLCs show R U the Girl... on UPN @ 8pm wed's


I just saw an episode where Boots called Dora's mother Senora Martez. So Dora's last name is most likely Martez.




it was marquez, boots says it in the episode where their trying to get back to dora's house for boot's birthday party (not boot's special day, that's a different one)



I am from Puerto Rico, so

Assuming Dora lives in the US, an English soeaking country, then yeah, I can sit with Dora Martez, but if she lived in a Spanish country names are much differant.

You have your first name, a middle name, and 2 last names, the secpnd last name your fathers last name and your second last name is your mothers last last name. When a women marrys she keeps here name but ads "de (husbands last last name)". However, when you call someone by there last name, you use the last last name or if its a married women, her "de" name., So assuming Dora is living in a Hispanic country, she would be.

Dora Martez then (Mothers last last name)
