What was that jelly stuff that pooh bear was preparing to inject?
It sure didn't look anything like meth to me.
And then when kilmer ended up injecting the crooked cop with it in the neck, why did it paralyze him?
It sure didn't look anything like meth to me.
And then when kilmer ended up injecting the crooked cop with it in the neck, why did it paralyze him?
when you shoot too much of an amphetamine(coke , adderall[yes you can shoot up addies})or methamphetamine you will go into a ciezure(siezure??)and you will usually foam at the mouth,well every upper overdose i have seen
on a heroin or OC overdose your lips turn blue and eyes roll into the back of your head (called "falling out" basically meaning falling in and out of conscioenceness)and your respitory system will give up and most times you will choke on your own vomit and suffocate.
been around too many junkies, when it comes to shooting these drugs, YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY
<when it comes to shooting these drugs, YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY >
I agree 100 %, you have to totally stupid or completely out of your f ucking mind to inject c rap like that into your veins.
"we have magnums"
Hunter S. Thompson
@ mrkrinkle6884 (Mon Sep 4 2006 23:48:54) : since when is cocaine an amphetamine ? :-)
Michael Jackson was given an overdose of a sedative/painkiller cocktail. His death was actually ruled a homicide. They think his doc killed him.
shareYeah, it looked absolutely nothing like meth, but I think it was supposed to be. In fact, I've never heard of anyone using anything besides plain ol' water to dissolve meth for shooting up. But I'm still pretty sure it was intended to be meth.
As far as the cop's reaction... well, if it was in fact supposed to be meth... a meth overdose is similar to a seizure (as someone before mentioned.) Your muscles seize up real bad and you go into respiratory arrest (short, gasping, uncontrollable breaths). It happened to me once, one of the worst experiences of my life. =[
shareNo matter what it was, i think injecting that amount of pretty much any drug into your jugular would have a similar effect.
shareYou're calling jonlampe a loser for OD'ing shooting meth when in two posts prior you mention loving meth and reading this board all the time?
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
I've accidentally used vodka when I was drunk. that was pretty cool(but not)
Injected Vodka you mean?
That would BURN, so methinks you're a liar.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
well there is a video out there where people pour vodka on the eyeballs, so thats pretty rough.
"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire
If it was meant to be meth than the portrayal wasn't very realistic. Pooh-Bear was already in massive amounts of pain from getting shot in the shootout, and Meth is NOT an anesthetic used in the treatment of pain. In fact, it would have the absolute opposite effect and greatly exacerbate the pain he felt. That's why I thought that part didn't make a whole lot of sense.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
It's not meth it's simple amphetamine. Amphetamine in it's pure form is a liquid. And there are many differnet amphetamines that are made for the sole purpose of injection.
shareOkay, whether it's methamphetamine or just plain amphetamine, the fact remains that it's not an anesthetic and Pooh Bear was treating it like it was one after bleeding profusely from getting shot. Either meth or just plain amphetamine would have amplified the pain to such an extreme degree that an experienced speed junkie like Pooh Bear would have been more than aware that the consequences would be excruciatingly intolerable.
This is what made the portrayal, if it was in fact a stimulant he was injecting, unrealistic. Now if it was something like gelatinous liquid morphine or heroin it that would be much more understandable.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
Except that he was a junkie, he was out of his mind, and he knew he was screwed. They make it a point to let you know that this guy is beyond rational thought.
That said, I always thought it was heroin, because I didn't know you could shoot up meth (personally a drug I have absolutely no interest in), and heroin makes more sense because he got shot. Either way it's a lot of something to get injected with into the jugular, and whatever it was probably would have resulted in a coma like state because it was just so much.
"I drive a Dodge Stratus!"
If he was out of his mind how would he know he was screwed?
And if he knew he was screwed, what reason would he have to add such pure, excruciating pain that would have brought to him if it were amphetamine?
Of course, there's always the possibility that he was a sadomasochist, taking into context the obvious that he had engaged in permanent self mutilation, not having a nose and all.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
@ the OP : That would be meth crystals, mixed with water.
Not all meth is colorless, it can be brownish, tan, reddish, or close to white *or a mixture of said colors*, depending on the purification process used.
As for the "paralysis" in the cop, it could be a stroke, or Rhabdomyolysis, both caused by the overtly obvious overdose.
As the OP, I would have to disagree with characterization on this one if the movie was to retain credibility for the reasons I mentioned prior to your post.
If it was meth crystals mixed with water, or amphetamine liquid as someone else suggested, the movie loses all credibility right there.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
I always thought it was morphine. Morphine was once "stored" in glass viles that looked like little coke bottles. The neck would be snapped off and a syringe would be used to extract it. It appeared to me that Pooh was crushing these viles in haste for a quick fix. After being shot, morphine would make the most sense. It would also explain the paralyzing effect.
shareBest post and explanation yet on speculation moving into two years.
Good point carterized.
"But, but, but, CLINTON!!!"
~Any reich-winger when confronted with their miserable failures
Yeah I assumed something like morphine. People keep saying "meth" because that's what the movie is about but a hardcore drug addict/expert/dealer like Pooh would probably have quite a bit of *beep* around the house, of different chemical persuasions.
Oh, and let's keep in mind he weighs nearly 300 lbs and is likely a junkie. The scrawny cop had a) no tolerance [probably] to drugs and b) was probably nearly a THIRD of the weight of Pooh and, hell, c) the spot it was injected into the neck was probably dangerous too.
So yeah it probably would have killed him or at least messed him up really badly; he didn't OD from it (though he might have had it went on long enough) which is another reason why Kilmer's character shot him like 8 times.
Shuji Terayama forever.
If it were an opiate like you're suggesting, the cop would have "nodded out" into oblivion forever, and quite immediately at that. Keep in mind the OP is the same person who attests that cocaine and amphetamine are one in the same ;) Also, for a tolerant user, amphetamine and its cousins do have quite an anagesic effect, not the opposite.
When there is no more room on IMDB, the trolls shall wheel to 4chan.
As a recovering dope (heroin) junkie, who has down his share of meth, crank etc. I thought he had a assload of black tar Heroin. I never had black Tar dope (lower quality). But I think that was a big dope shot and he had it for a reason. I know if you shoot up a ton of meth you don't feel euphotia, you feel paranoid, crazy, vilolent and your butt hole feels like it's getting ready to suckin the whole world in one fell swoop.
I loved the cook buying up the Sudafed....bad freaking cold I'd say. Plus Bobby Ocean was just fun to hang out with...LOL...That biy was geeked out bigtime, he needed about 10 valium and 20 Dalaudid. (You can do it to, I use to crush up and swallow 60 100mg tablets of Morphine (MS Contin) it's time released, buy wan't after you ctushed it up.
I'm not queer or anything, but Unicorns are kickass!!!
Having done black tar Heroin, I can tell you that that stuff he was injecting in no way resembles tar. They call it 'black' tar for a reason, it's color is black. That jelly glob was in no way the color black.
agreed, just like yayo, depends what the base cutting agent is. ive seen blue and pink coke and meth. though the coke just had more of a tint. And to disgree with a former poster, uppers can definetly help you ignore pain, not make it more acute.
Nothing to eat, freezing cold and now a madman on the prowl outside with eels
dmaxcky thinks:
"and I disagree with the poster, uppers can definitely help you ignore pain"
If that's what you think then you are unequivically ignorant and unqualified to speak on this subject.
Uppers in this case; high quality crystal meth amplifies physical sensation, which includes both pleasure AND pain. This is an undisputable physiological fact ... not something that is subject to the whims of opinion. It can be confirmed in one of two ways, researching the neuroscience behind how meth affects the mental and physical conditions in its immediate use, empirically backed up by studies on the subject ... or the next time you experience a physical injury, no matter how minor, try shooting up some meth and discover to your horror how the pain ramps up and completely consumes you. I wouldn't be speaking from such authority if I didn't know this from past experience. Hardcore speed junkies, as a general rule, are all too aware of this phenomenon and it's what makes having an injectable opiate around all the more necessary should one insist on a fix under such unfortunate circumstances of physical injury.
You're in a box. You see spots.
it might very well be meth as it comes in various forms and colours.. jelly is usually more pure here in the UK and easier to dissolve in water.
I (in my youth) used to smoke/snort my share of meth (haven't touched it in a long time). I've seen meth so sticky you couldn't even cut it up with a razor. I loved this movie, and I always figured it was just good, pure rock, and the way he crushed it up with the mortar and pestle seemed pretty normal for fresh peanut butter rock - no water needed. As far as the pain factor and the reason for doing it, I never noticed an amplification of pain when I was wired, and the effect in his situation would probably just be to get him going and past all the (I'd guess) downer parts of just getting shot. Just my take on it...
I have to agree w/eoval also. I used to be addicted to meth for a year back in the mid 90's(worst drug on the planet- pure evil/satan-chews you up & spits you out as a skeleton, if you make it out alive that is...)
I never shot drugs, but after you cook a LOT of it, & you have it in a large glass pipe with like a big bubble so a whole bunch of it is in the bottom of it and you can smoke it over & over for like all night, it looks just like the meth he was mixing up. After doing so much meth for days- weeks- months- on end, it actually is a pain reliever(never had one single tooth ache when doing meth, but when I stopped, it was the worst pain I have ever had to deal with), not a pain amplification. It probably would be an amplification to a new user in many ways, but clearly, Poo-bear was doin this c rap for years.
P.S. After that year of meth, I completely stopped doing hard core drugs, been clean for allmost 15 years, it was a hell I don't wish upon my worst enemy...
One of my alltime favorite movies...