Pooh Bear

An interesting unique character. He reminded me of a mashup of Slim Pickens, the guy from Sling Blade, and of course crazy Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket. Fine acting job.


I've always enjoyed watching Vincent D'onofrio's performances, but I think this one has got to be his finest. I didn't realize while watching that it was him. I had to look up the character here on IMDb.com (great site, btw!!!), and was pleasantly surprised. Had to re-watch every scene with Pooh-Bear in it, and then I could tell it was him, and was still amazed at the performance. He's one of the great ones!!!


Definitely agree. He generally frightened me and if I had been in Kilmer's pants I would have been *beep* myself to say the least. he played one deranged guys in this flick


Kilmer's pants? Did you mean shoes? Please tell me you meant shoes.


I think this characther reminds me of the one Billy Bob Thornton played in U Turn, at least his way of speaking.


Pooh bear is unforgettable. Captain Steuben, the Texas accent, the "I'm a dog" scene- masterful!


Yeah agreed, one of the most interesting and crazy villains in any movie, D'Onofrio just nailed it. He was both terrifying and hilarious!

Duty Now For The Future
