MovieChat Forums > The Salton Sea (2002) Discussion > I know this wasn't supposed to be a come...

I know this wasn't supposed to be a comedy, but...

Was there anyone else laughing too hard when Pooh Bear shoots himself in the leg toward the end?

I'm sure this is going to sound stupid (and it waslol ) but I just remember back in 2004, this movie was on HBO around 1-2am. There was a group of us at a friend's house watching and we weren't exactly sober at the time lol. Anyway, none of us had seen the movie before or had heard of it, so we had no idea what was going to happen next. We flipped through random channels and came across the movie shortly before the JFK car/pigeon scene, so we missed what came before that. We recognized the actors but that was about it. Whenever Vincent D'onofrio appeared in a scene and said a line, everyone was cracking up, mostly at the way he said his lines I guess.

I didn't see the movie again for another 6-7 years, and wondered what exactly it was that was so funny about it. I'm guessing due to the alcohol and lsd, never seeing it before, the movie with its randomness was already too much to process. -- So when Pooh Bear accidentally shoots himself in the leg, catching it on fire and his "Goddaaaaaamn!!!!" scream; nearly all of us were on the floor gasping for breath. I missed where he shot Danny, as the only thing I remember was Pooh Bear in agony yelling random *beep* about being a cowboy and a rocking horse, turning on the yodeling music and slapping his neck (preparing the syringe). -- After the movie ended, we weren't even able to discuss the scene without cracking up.

Of course, I'm looking back now thinking "man we were some idiots.." lol. After finding a dvd of it, (years later, sober, and watching it by mself ), it wasn't anywhere near as funny. Some of it was, but the scene was more serious, tense, and a bit scary (I try to put myself in the characters shoes). -- I was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a good movie.

I just have to ask how everyone else reacted to the movie when they very first saw it. Don't worry about others judging you if the story was anything like mine. :)


Great film and nothing like I expected!


There were lots of comedic moments in the film, that's what makes it so good. I mean, the scene where the really old dude is singing Walk On The Wild Side on the karaoke machine absolutely floored me for a start.

Duty Now For The Future
