How violent?

I've never seen this film, but based on what i've heard it seems like one of the less violent/gory films of miike's. But then people were saying it's much more intense than something like Ichi the Killer, which is a bloodbath. So...where exactly does this movie stand? Is it intense in ways other than gore? Or was I just mislead initially?

Edit: For the record, I own the movie now and watched it for the second time last night. I don't know if it's just because I knew what was coming, but the build-up to the final scene seemed even more intense, and the end just seemed even more brutal. And that fake "it was all a dream" scene just makes it even more so. But there's surprisingly little actual gore.


Intense is good word. Is definite gory and focus stays on some scenes so is uncomfortyable to watch, but then other scenes no gore but are strange and horrible. I enjoyed audition but do not think it is too great.

Gutierrez! Spider-Mag!



Hmmm, I'm not so sure. Don't know if I'm really used to torture movies or if everyone is overreacting on this one...someone even said "don't watch it alone". Well I did, at 3pm, and It wasn't uncomfortable nor intense for me at all.

The movie itself is not very interesting,but the last 30 minutes are pretty cool, specially because you're not quite sure about what happened in the end.


It's not as violent or graphic as ichi ... it's mainly a psychological horror with maybe one or two brief flashes of violence.



Its essentially (85%?) a psychological melodrama/mystery. And it lulls you into lowering your defenses to screen violence by presenting a slow moving non-violent mystery to focus on and relationships to decipher. Then BAM at the end it jumps on your chest and immediately turns it up to 11 before you are ready for it. You kind of sense its building up to something hard core but it still manages to knock you backwards when it happens. Especially because its mixed up with hallucinations and dreams and visual metaphors and you have to try to digest it all at the same time and its a bit overwhelming.

If you are a seasoned gore fan you will not have much of a problem with this one but dont try to be an internet tough guy if you can help it (theres lots of them on here that think a movie sucks unless theres constant action and non stop blood and guts...). Let it wash over you for what it is. Embrace the serene peaceful feel of most of the movie and then let it sneak up on you and crack a vase over your head the way it does. Its fun...

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.
