MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Discussion > Who is Morpheus to the Zion people ?

Who is Morpheus to the Zion people ?

Rememember the Morpheus speech scene ? Just before the mega party with that dope song ? Well i'm just curious, before Morpheus takes the speak, the senator says something like "i give you Morpheus", but, what does Morpheus mean to the people of Zion ? Is he like, the very best captain of all the ships ? is he the greatest warrior of Zion ? That's really one thing i regret abouth the MAtrix trilogy, everyone on likes Morpheus, but we don't really know him...


Morpheus represents the "faith" movement - for lack of a better term.

He will tell anyone who will listen that Neo is going to end the war and free Zion. (As opposed to Lock who has a more bleak outlook on their situation.) So as a result he has a bit of a fan club.


Yeah, it's probable he always had a fan club because he seems to like to make speeches, but the moment he brought the One to Zion, his fan club must have grown exponentially. In fact if Zion works anything like our world works, I'd say that the believers probably worship Morpheus as well, right after Neo.


Morpheus is John The Baptist to Neo's Jesus. But Morpheus gets to live.


It seems like there are maybe a couple dozen captains total in Zion. It also appears that a lot of the people in Zion are actively following the actions of the ships and looking for one that they could join the crew of. Morpheus is probably well known just by being a captain.

He is also a very convincing orator with a message that is very appealing to most people in Zion. He is probably the closest that they have to a religious figure representative.


Being right about The One certainly did him favors. All in all, he's someone who literally frees people's minds.

Looks like I'm walking - JW
