Bad for so many reasons

First off, I love Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell. (My wife calls Kevin Costner my man crush.) And I have always been a fan of Elvis. So this seemed right up my alley.

The problems:

1) It's one movie cliche after another. The single mom with a heart of gold and the wise-cracking son that has a proclivity to do bad, but of course is a great kid underneath. The ex-con who also has a heart of gold underneath his criminal record. Then there's the bad guy who's so 1-dimensional that there's nothing redeemable or likeable about him, which makes him so easy to hate.

2) The movie climaxes in the first 20 minutes with the heist. After that, it's all downhill.

3) The movie was way too long. It should've been a 90 minute movie. The fact that this was more than 2 hours just goes to show you what happens when big egos combine with bad writing and no editing. The last action sequence was as long as it was unnecessary.

4) This movie needed to eliminate the Courtney Cox and child subplot. It added nothing to the movie. It simply made the story more convoluted and pointless. He should've dumped them the first chance he got. The whole romance bit was poorly devised and not believable.

5) Courtney Cox left her kid with an ex-con she knew for all of a couple days. She later tried to defend her reprehensible actions, but it just made her look even more stupid. Her character was despicable (having sex with a stranger with her son in the room) and then leaving her son with him at a diner.

6) There was just too much going on. Too many useless characters (Ice T, Jon Lovitz, Wombat man, etc.). Too many genres being jumped in and out of (dark comedy, action, romance, etc.). In the end, all of the characters were poorly developed and thus, I didn't care what happened to any of them.

7) How many silly reunions did we have to watch between mother and son? They were separated, then reunited, separated, then reunited, separated...we get it!!! Enough with the melodrama. I didn't care the first time they were separated.

8) Too many unbelievable scenes. The girl at the gas station not caring when her father and home were blown up. The helicopter flying off the roof of the Casino with the police not tracking it. Christian Slater's intentionally antagonizing Costner when he knows he's a loose cannon that kills anyone on sight without thinking twice. Costner acting heartbroken when the black guy died on the helicopter, despite the fact that he was going to kill him later that night anyway. Kevin Costner shooting Kurt Russell TWICE in the chest and leaving him for dead. How's this for an idea? Shoot people in the head when you know they have a history of wearing bullet-proof vests. The list of silly, unbelievable scenes goes on and on.

I'll stop here. You get the point.

I understand that people like heist movies, and they like revenge movies, and they like shoot 'em up movies with a lot of action sequences. But why rave over this movie. Certainly there are a lot of other good action movies that don't have this many plot holes and this much silly writing.


This movie is basically one big sandwiche of crap, wanna know what kind of crap? Demographic-grabbin' crap, this thing is full of just crap to fill the meat in the seats... These are one of those movies that's basically a cool trailer but a crappy movie, it's basically a movie that makes money off how it's marketed, not screened for critics, that's when the movies crap and EVEN THE STUDIO KNOWS IT.

It's quite the silly movie full of cheesy, cliches and manipulation (IE the melodramatic reunions you mentioned).

The Casino scene is the only real reason to watch this movie.

No actual likable characters, Kurt Russel seems disconnected and cheap (Hurr hurr I always do the right thing cause I'm a nice criminal, I didn't know they were gonna shoot a midget, HONEST!) and Kevin Costner is just used to drive the movie forward, not even a character at all, so volatile and without direction, he's just there to do the exact opposite of what Kurt Russel wants to happen.

The storyline that's full of contradictions just seriously hinders this movie of any clear message, the director really tried his hardest to make Costner into a cool anti-hero and garner some sympathy for him but in the end he does nothing but random EVIL stuff for the sack of being EVIL!

And the godawful music cues... Well the casino scene was the only scene with good music cues, after and before were nothing but the silliest try-hard "cool" music put together by a really out of touch director/sound director/producer.

Flashy editing to cover up how bland it is, if you're gonna use flashy editing at least tie it into the narrative properly, don't just include it like a cheap gimmick which your movie clutches onto and won't let go due to fear the audience might know it's sh*it before the 40 minutes mark. That's irrelevant since they've already paid to see the movie...

I love it when Howie Long dives right in front of Costner OMG HE'S A CRIMINAL BUT HE BELIEVES IN HONOR, THIS IS SO EMOTIONAL AND DEEP BRAAH!

The shootout in the casino was cool, but they kind of ruined it with the slo-mo pseudo-matrix bullet time effects.

And it's like the cop who tries to shoot them in the elevator was the only thing in the movie keeping it cool, and then he gets shot, from that moment on the movie takes it's mask off and reveals you're in bed with crap, I think that's right before the Italian spetznats guy claps hands for an M14. I love that procedure...
"Aight Vinny, when I clapp-a mah hands, you-a throw the fu*ckin' EMMMMMMMAAH-FO'TEEN. Remember that, I clapp-a mah hands, and you throw it, hard and fast, DON'T FU*CK ME ON THIS VINNY, DON'T YOU FU*CK ME! I'LL KILL YOU AND STAB YO' FAMILIA IF YOU DONT THROW WHEN I CLAP!"

It's funny because Franchise made nothing but crap, Boondock saints which is basically the same style of this movie and even fails in all the same ways, try hard over the topness, a clumsy attempt at slick clever dialog, pseudo-matrix action scenes, stupid flashy editing and non-chronological editing. Battle Earth? I don't even need to elaborate on Battlefield Earth.

Like you said, this movie gives you all the ammo you need to drop it and mutilate it's corpse with automatic fire.

And it even pulls the one stab of desperation that Boondock did as well, IT ACTUALLY HAD THE AUDACITY TO TELL A JOKE, NO TWO JOKES WITHIN THE MOVIE, as if the writer really didn't feel like coming up a hilarious exchange he just relies on premade jokes to entertain the audiance. What if they replaced the jokes with popular youtube videos? No discussion about the youtube videos, just the characters looking at it and we can see the video, they watch it fully and then turn the computer off and never talk about the video at all.

I'm still rambling about this movie ahaha


Wow, I think you liked the movie even less than me. And thank you for mentioning the awful music. You hit the nail on the head when you said it sounded like it was "try-hard "cool" music put together by a really out of touch director/sound producer." There were several times during the movie when some butt rock song came on, and all I could think was, "You've gotta be kidding me!!"


The worst part was when they played the elvis when we were supposed to feel sorry for Kevin Costner's peice of sh*it character
