The 1st 40 minutes were sublime
This film has been in my brain for a decade: I have vague memories of the TV commercials am how badass it looked, and that was the 5th grade, then I saw a brief glimpse of what now seems to be the second slower half on New Year's Eve in 01 or 02, and it's come and gone on HBO since.....
well I finally caught it on HBO.
That heist, the cinematography, the music, that awesome Vegas energy, just priceless.
the rest of the movie, while still fun and entertaining, just wasn't as captivating as that heist, as badly as I wanted it to be.
anybody else feel this way? I'll catch it again while channel surfing HBO with nothing on, but the 1st act and the rest are just too different and it kinda hurts the flick... still, Kurt Russell is great, Kevin Costner played an awesome psychopath, Courtney Cox was hot and fun to watch, and Kevin pollack is as always a reliable character actor.
but the 1st act makes the rest pale in comparison, unfortunately.
anybody else feel this way?