This movei is tits!!!!!!!!

How can the rating be so low. This movie is soooo cool. It is great to see Costner play the bad guy and I love Kurt Russel the waw he is cool but alittle clumsey. I only wish that Slater would have had a more prominent part throughout the movie. Cortney Cox is hot and plays a great role in this. In fact i think i'll go out and buy it this weekend.


all of the above
part from buying cause i allread have it ;)


Maybe some people just don't like Evlis..
I liked this movie a lot too


evil people dont like the King


I hate buying the Warner Brothers DVDs cause of the Cardboard case but, I saw it at Walmart in the (2 for 10) Sale box, so I bought it with THE LAST BOYSCOUT. I was waiting for a Special Edition Set, but Oh Well, Fudge it.

If all the "Heist" movies were a bunch of titties, this would definately by a "perky", "pretty", "creamy" set.

I love this flick a lot. I am a huge RUSSELL fan and big COSTNER fan. I also follow SLATER's stuff too and it was cool to see COSTNER and SLATER together again. (yeah, Slater got killed off quick, but you don't call a man like "Murphy" a "sweatheart") (I kinda saw it coming.)



i love elvis, and all i can compliment about this movie is the first 30 mins. although it looked promising, the rest is just a huge mess, and, although i usually enjoy the "mindless action flicks", and ignore the most of the plot holes and errors, i found it boring and annoying.


I Purchased this Movie on a used VHS for my wife (The Elvis fan). It had a skip in it where some one paused it too long or something. After watching it with her I had to go out and buy it on DVD I liked it soooo much.
rstonesfan , I definatly agree with your post 100%.


this movie is super awesome


this movie is indeed tits
Loved every frame of it. Heard bad things about it, but was very pleasantly surprised. The casino scene was one of the best action sequences ever.
Kurt Russell is da man

"It just so happens he is only MOSTLY dead"


I really enjoyed it too, it's underrated, no doubt.

It is kind of a junk-food movie though, I could never give it 10/10. However, few movies are more entertaining.

In the beginning there was nothing...which exploded.


Oh my god i really don't understand why it has received such bad reviews it is amazing. I didn't know what to expect after i read some of the reviews, but i bet you they are just jealous as they didn't make it onto the big screen! Think Courteney Cox and Kurt Russell are so sweet together.

Oh my god. I love Ross, I hate Ross, I love Ross, I hate Ross!



what do you mean by the movie it the tits?



loved it. The only thing I hated were the MPAA cuts to violence...made the movie less intense. I mean, if Slater HAS to be killed, at least leave it fully intact so we can see every frame of it.

--Money can't buy happiness? Well, I guess I'll have to rent it.--

Matt S.


Yeah this is so great, reminds me alot of tarantino's True Romance if you are looking for a similar experience.


Yeah it is defintely like True Romance.... elvis references, christian slater, and lots of stolen money that a couple is trying to steal for themselves and for each other.

both = good movies

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Like the movie a lot.Russell and Cox are so sweet together!


Ok, i'm going to go out on a limb here and disagree with all you lovely rednecks. First of all, the movie was, indeed, somewhat enjoyable. Yes, it featured a lot of gunfire and here and there a few cleverish twists. Be careful there, i said cleverISH. Not clever. Watch some european films. You'll probably find yourself lost in all that lack of amerrrrican boyish gun-toting violence.
And good luck with your fascist dictatorship. I see that the brainwashing helps reduce every piece of mediocre cinematography to "tits" and every reasonably smart movie to "gay".

Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat.


That has got to be one of the most generalizing posts I have ever read... Of course it's hip for some to hate americans, but come on... be smarter than that. Not every american is a stereotypic narrow-minded redneck. Open your eyes and explore the world. You probably never left France or whereever you come from

"I did not care for the Godfather" - Peter Griffin


It's nice to see that some people actually like this movie. I loved it! I don't understand the low rating.


I understand the low rating completely. I bought this movie for two dollars, watched it to the end in some kind of sick fascination, and when it was over broke it in two and threw it in the trash. I've frequently referred to it as the worst movie I've ever seen.

Why did I hate it so much? I must have blocked it from my memory, because I don't remember. Oh wait, it's coming back to me...maybe it was the terrible dialog, the flat and despicable characters, and the fact that they tried to make up for all of that with gratuitous violence and explosions? It's not even "so bad that it's good"--it's just bad.

I'm assuming that at least 50% of the people who saw this felt similarly, hence the low rating.


This movie rocks... it is not standard, predictable or normal - which is great! The acting and dialog are top notch.

I suppose most people who hate this movie need some standard Hollywood flick .... and then they complain about that!


I agree with you! I saw this movie for the first time today, and I absolutely loved it! It was so good! I think the story was written very well, and Courteney Cox and Kurt Russell had great chemistry together! Truly amazing performences! All in all, I loved it! Great job!

"Who knows what could happen, do what you do, just keep on laughing." - Avril Lavigne


if you think this is the worst movie you've ever seen than I have to say: you really haven't seen very many movies

I'm not gonna claim 3000 miles to Graceland is amazing or even in the top 1000 of all time. But it's certainly not below average and it serves for an interesting popcorn fluff time waster right along with the bulk of most 5-7 star films.

Sure there is better, but there are 1000's upon 1000's of worse movies than this.

I think its very short sighted to call an average movie the worst thing ever made.

Go watch movies like "the room" if you want to see horrible film making.

Anyone who worked on this film should never be allowed to work on another movie, ever:



LOL Look up the word "hyperbole" in the dictionary.


It's not as bad as some people say it is. It's not Casablanca but it's not "Sabretooth" either. Just good-olded fashioned good guys, bad guys with a super HOT Courtney Cox thrown in for a distraction...


The low rating is unbelievable. This movie is great.



I thought the intro was great and entertaining. However the movie went into a steady decline as more and more twists occurred in the plot. By the end it was a bit overboard. Great cast but the movie needed to maintain its serious appeal and make the plot less convoluted.


I bought it yesterday and it blew me away!!!

