personnally, i hadn't heard of this movie at all until, by chance, i fell on Matt Dillon's filmography and was attracted by the title and storyline.
when i found out there were also Norman Reedus, Drea deMatteo and Frankie Muniz i was really curious (and getting curious often got me excited) to watch it.
so i really watched it with no bad expectations at all! i love this kind of stories, i love the 50's, i love brother stories...damn! this movie had everything i love!
so what happened? how did i find myself laughing so hard at the tragic moments?
well, basically, i think it's because it was a sort of mafia movie shot as an actio movie! lol come on! yeah someone noticed how dumb it was when Leon came at the first fight...the music, the slow motion and that jumps he makes! lol geez, i was rolling on floor!
the lead actors all played there roles well and all the roles of the characters were multi-dimensional and had propper character development,
oh yeah...Reedus and Dillon are very developped...are you kidding? they are just Villains! no heart, no feelings, just villains...
and on the opposite, Dorff is just so kind you gotta wonder how it is that he's running a gang!
he's just the Hero...i mean, what did the writers think? that losing his brother wasn't enough to make us take his side? of course it was! why didn't they show us a bit of his bad side!
well, and about the actors, i had never heard of Brad Renfro at all (he's not famous in France so, please don't take me for a dumbsh!t if he's famous in the US) and it seemed that he couldn't do anything else that just...what do you say..."pucker his mouth" (i saw it on a thread under, i guess that's the word i need). i mean, he only does that throughout the whole movie!
and...well, Dorff wasn't that amazing to me either though i kind like him usually, i actually felt like he wasn't concerned at all and was forcing himself all the time...
well, to be honest, i ended up thinking it would have been nice to reverse roles. Dillon should have had Dorff's role and Reedus have Renfro's one...
Frankie and the girls did good, though that West Side Story was nothing new and that she's not really developped either...and it's too bad, 'cause there would have been something great to dig between her and her brother...
anyway, there still was a shot i liked, 'cause it was short enough to make me watch it 'til the end, it's a lab dissolve. when Drea deMatteo gave her last kiss and left, she disappeared in that blue streetlight, my eyes felt attracted by it as it was the only spot of colour in the image, and when that blue spot became dark i realised that the shot was different. i actually found that a pretty "effect".
anyway, yeah the 50's were respected but the story is just known by basically anyone who has ever watched mob movies.
i never watched the Outsiders but i've always been looking for it. as a fan of Coppola, Rusty James is one of my favourite movies.
still, i gotta admit it's less terrible than a lot of things my friends force me to watch...
oops, sorry for that long post and sorry if my english ain't perfect, i'm french but i made a lot of efforts though.