
Now, I personnaly hated sonic underground. Then why am I here do you ask? Because I loved Manic. I mean, give him a leather jacket, some really big guns, tone down the psuedo surfer talk, and you've got a classic character.

P.S. Death to Sonia!


Yup, Manic is the only reason I watched that show, other then that, meh.


I made a different version of manic. he's supposed to be 19, as opposed to the 16 age in SU. and not only is he a thief, just like the show, he's a mage. so now he can pickpocket Eggman for some keys, summon Bahamut, Cast Fire42 on some SWATbots, and disappear into the night. just like a ninja.

Game Boy PWNs all. PSP sux. i dont know how to use L33t.


Though I love the show, I can understand someone not liking or hating it. But a lot of people seem to agree that Manic was a really likable character. (I know plenty of people who watched the show only for him.) Maybe he's what really drew me in too.

Just to add because of the "death to Sonia" thing, I didn't mind her character. The only thing I hated was her voice. I can understand that making her intolerable to some. Out of curiosity, is that the reason, or did you find her personality annoying as well?




Manic was the main reason that this show sucked as well as Sonia, new Robotnik voice and corny rock n roll theme.
