finding the Queen

Does anyone know if any of the episodes result in the sibs being reunited with Queen Aleena? My 7 yr old son is very distressed that they are separated. I would like to find an episode where they get back together.


Though this answer in incredibly late, I'll give it for the sake of O.C.D.

The series never actually concluded. The show was apparently cancelled after 40 episodes, when 20 more were rumored to exist (though the creator denies it). So the show has a final episode (according to Wikipedia, it involved a virtual reality video game), but not an conclusive ending.

Sorry to say, but that's usually the case with syndicated cartoons, and they usually end up on network television a few years later and air in an infinite loop on weekday mornings (case in point: Stargate Infinity and Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century). The purpose of cartoons such as these, however, is not to follow an established plotline and reach a conclusion, but instead each episode or story arc is meant to occur solitarily and serves to teach a different life lesson to kids each time.

My advice? Buy the DVD sets and experience the stories that DID happen, rather than the ending that never was.

If you were offended in any way by the preceding post, go make one yourself.

