Sean Connery!?
Does anyone know how they managed to get the great Sean Connery to do the voice of Knuckles' great grandfather Athair on a mediocre Sonic series?
How? How does that happen?
Does anyone know how they managed to get the great Sean Connery to do the voice of Knuckles' great grandfather Athair on a mediocre Sonic series?
How? How does that happen?
No one will ever know....
shareIt's not really Sean Connery. It's an impersonator... and not a very good one at that.
In God We Trust
It IS listed in his resume on the imdb page. Scary.
shareTruth be told, I've never seen this particular Sonic show, but I've read a lot about it, and maybe he just thought it would be fun.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
"It's not really Sean Connery. It's an impersonator... and not a very good one at that."
Haha, bet they feel like a right div now!
I think, therefore we have nothing in common.
Find any clip of Sean Connery on YouTube, close your eyes, and listen. Then find an episode of Sonic Underground that Sean Connery supposedly guest starred in and do the same. It sounds like somebody trying to evoke the same accent as Sean Connery, but that's about it.
I believe it's actually Maurice LeMarche (Brain from "Pinky and the Brain") doing the voice.
In God We Trust
Is that right?
Gee, that must've well raised the production budget for this programme!