What Mole whispered to Kida

I found a language translation site and may have figured out what Mole whispered to Kida.

He says Pardon mademoiselle. Ah voulez-vous...(whispers)
(That means Pardon my lady. Ah want you.... (whispers)

These are the 2 things I think he might of whispered to her.

1. Pardon mademoiselle. Ah voulez-vous me donner un baiser de francais.
(That means Pardon my lady. Ah want you to give me a french kiss).

2. Pardon mademoiselle. Ah voulez-vous faire aimer me.
(That means Pardon my lady. Ah want you to make love to me.)

What do you guys think?





Its a joke, summoning the chorus of Lady Marmalade - "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir" (Would you like to sleep with me tonight), by Patti LaBelle and later by these gals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQa7SvVCdZk&ob=av3e

Life is a state of mind

