How do they not get it?

So the Atlantis people have been around for thousands of years, Kida for 8,000, and yet she doesn't recognize her own language written down or the very same ships (the thing she showed Milo and didn't know how to work) until he explains the instruction panel? They've had thousands of years to figure it out and no one before Milo got it? Who made them then? Why don't they know how to use them if their civilization was the one to create it? I would think her father would know at least. I was just kind of confused that their own people don't understand how their OWN inventions or language work.


Remember when Kida says "our way of life is dying?" The Atlanteans have been around so long without contact without the rest of the world that they were forgetting their history and language. Sort of like the phenomenon of people who are alone so long without contact that they forget how to talk.

The old people of Kida's childhood probably died, which left her generation no knowledge of the technology.

As for her father, i think the King knew that if he told Kida about the Atlantean technology then they would have ended up being a part of the world again and i dont think he didn't want that.
