Sad thing is THEY NEVER GIVE A CHARACTER ARCH though to actually relate to her.
Personally i see more of a MEG then the JESSICA RABBIT vibe(although you have to say at least both of those get a decent arch) compared to Helga whose character was ether a near anti-hero or the general label of "villain"(mainly the Atlantis scenes of her)
And the film itself never really comfortably decides on which, she seems to be ONLY bad toward the rushed final "action scene" gets throw off, says her one liner and THEN magically disappears without ANY thought as to WHAT HAPPENED WITH HER!!!???? Hence she's a hero again like during that sea monster attacking the submarine and all the stuff BEFORE they get to Atlantis!.
The film then forgets her and whatever good ideas they vaguely seem to have of her also vanish as well!