Loved it

About half way through i was thinking that maybe this was gonna turn out rather average,but by the end when i realsied what the message and the story was about,i have to say i think it is a mile better then 3 and 4,i aint seen any after that so for me its behind 1 and 2,but is a very clever story,reminded me a fair bit of jacobs ladder with the faces and stuff.Any way really cool,and his facial expressions when it all sunk in at the end was cool,pinheads speech was also great,he was just grea,and for me anyways in it just the right amount of time.


Glad you liked it, it tends to split Hellraiser fans but at the leats most seem to appreciate it for putting Pinhead in the shadows and exploring the Personal Hell concept first seen in Part 2.

- Scarecrow

The Hellbound Web Hellraiser Forum -


Do you yourself like it?


Yeah, excellent entry in the series, and a welcome antidote to Part 3's slasher Hollywood-excesses and Part 4's studio-butchered mess. I've written a large number of my thoughts on the film in various threads on the Hellraiser forum such as this one:

It's a well directed and constructed film, very haunting and atmospheric and helpd get the series back on track and paved the way for Hellseeker and Deader to really bring some of the more HR-esque elements.

- Scarecrow

The Hellbound Web Hellraiser Forum -


Good website by the way


my favorite hellraiser so far

