Wire Twins Awesome!!

Did anyone find that the Wire Twins look soo damm cool!! after watching Inferno my most favorite cenobite is no longer Chatterer. Wire Twins were much more scarier and so God DammM sexy! anyone agree with me? too bad the Wire Twins are not feature much in Inferno (~_~) hopefully they will be back in either "Deader" or "Hellworld"....



Yeah, the wire twins are well freaky. But, what the hell, sexy? What are you into?


hmm I did check out on the pics of Deader they sure don't look like Wire Twins to me looks more like a new cenobite...yeah fabianl they look "sexy" as in a sick and perverted way ^_^ I am into all kinds of violent stuff..



"Have you seen the pic of the cenobite mutilating a naked girl on the couch?"

No? Part of me wants to, though...


dude you are one big freak


misery you trator! You give up Chatterer for the twins!? The chatterer is and will always be the best, freakiest and coolest cenobite. Your suffering will be legendary EVEN IN HELL for this! muahaha


and here, i thought i wAS nuts!



The Wire Twins were cool, but the best Cenobite was Channard, because of his disturbing WILLINGNESS to give his humanity up to persue his new pleasures.

Hopelessly in love with Uma Thurman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Emmy Rossum



IMHO the Wire Twins were the best cenobites so far (have only seen HR 1-5 though). I agree that the original Chatterer has the absolute coolest design ever, but the twins gave us the best "pain and pleasure" scene.

When the main character opens the box, and they appear and start licking his face and putting their hands under his skin. It was both sexual and painfull. I mean... The whole point of Hellraiser is the theme of pain and pleasure, right?

Most of the scenes in any of the other movies I have trouble seeing the pleasure element. It's just torture. Sometimes it isn't even torture, it's just killing. Bot these two got it straight!



I apologize for my post earlier on. I had forgotten about the twins. I had only seen this movie once and I just rewatched it, and I conclude that I'd want to bone the sisters, they can rub my chest with my own blood if they want to, they're so hot I'd do anything for them! :]

I hate Jesus Christ and don't believe in god, I am 100 % proud of it.



creepy as hell!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


omg u lot are insane lol but yeah they do have sumthin sexy about em, in a realli sick way lol i like the female cenobite in hellbound better though, shes realli pretty and more human like which is better to look at!
