I felt like I was watching an almost perfect Silent Hill film! The Cenobites in this one were practically straight out of the games.
Spoilers for both Inferno and Silent Hill 2 ahead:
The main character is trying to find a lost child in a world that gets increasingly more surreal, terrifying and monster-filled - a la Silent Hill 1. It turns out he's in a hell of his own making, and the demons that he faces are of his own creation, twisted reflections of real people he's wronged, and his struggle and ultimate failure to redeem himself as he discovers all this. This is EXACTLY what happens in Silent Hill 2. For this film to be any more Silent Hill it would have had to actually take place there. (Besides, I feel Silent Hill is more of a state of mind than a locality anyway.)
I really loved it! It would have worked great as a standalone film, but throw in just a dash of the always fascinating Pinhead (not too much! just enough to elevate the atmosphere and the interesting story that much more) and it was amazing.