Silent Hill

I just finished watching this, and I really enjoyed it alot. I can see alot of hellraiser fans might not, but I felt it was a refreshing change, especially after the rather drab hellraiser : bloodline.
This movie really reminded me of the silent hill games for playstation, Anyone who liked this movie would do well to check those out.


If you like movies that resemble silent hill, then you should get your hands on a copy of "Jacob's Ladder", the game was inspired to be made by this movie.


Yeah, I have that on dvd already ;)


speaking of this movie and video games did this guys constant voice overs and noir cop style remind anyone else of max payne, maybe its because I just played the second one, but it made me think of the first game a lot.


Oh, totally. I thought that if they made a max payne movie (which I think they might be) the guy would be near perfect for it.


I thought of a few games watching this, mostly max payne, silent hill and resident evil (the mouths on some of the cenobites or whatever kinda looked like the tyrants of RE3) kinda rip offish.



Definitely! I thought of Silent Hill many, many times during the movie. Jacob's Ladder is also very SHish in itself. Also try "Session 9". Silent Hill 3 actually nods to this movie with the shot of a wheelchair, you'll recognize it if you've played it.


yup found lot's of sh stuff myself too


Silent Hill is 100 times better than Inferno.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**


Just finished watching Hellraiser: Inferno and was just about to come onto IMDB to start a topic that this movie reminded me sooo much of the Silent Hill video games, but i see that you already beat me to it...

...but I couldn't agree more



How they are similar is Silent Hill shows and takes the main character into like the Dark Side of everything they see. Like hospitals or schools, inside them there are torture devices and things to that nature.

But I couldn't agree more either, watching Hellraiser movies are like playing Silent Hill games


I was also thinking Silent Hill and definitely Max Payne, which is cool because Max Payne didn't come out until '01.

Halloween remake too violent for you? That's a shame. Go review the Bratz movie instead.




the speaking reminded me of max payne (god i love that), the scenes went for silent hill, not totaly but it pretty much fits (yay im playing SH3 atm)
althrough, cenobites sucked in this one.



I felt like I was watching an almost perfect Silent Hill film! The Cenobites in this one were practically straight out of the games.

Spoilers for both Inferno and Silent Hill 2 ahead:

The main character is trying to find a lost child in a world that gets increasingly more surreal, terrifying and monster-filled - a la Silent Hill 1. It turns out he's in a hell of his own making, and the demons that he faces are of his own creation, twisted reflections of real people he's wronged, and his struggle and ultimate failure to redeem himself as he discovers all this. This is EXACTLY what happens in Silent Hill 2. For this film to be any more Silent Hill it would have had to actually take place there. (Besides, I feel Silent Hill is more of a state of mind than a locality anyway.)

I really loved it! It would have worked great as a standalone film, but throw in just a dash of the always fascinating Pinhead (not too much! just enough to elevate the atmosphere and the interesting story that much more) and it was amazing.
