It's growing on me

This movie is really starting to grow on me. It's def not one of his best or even close to his greatest but I enjoy it more as time passes. Who knows, as time passes it may become a cult favorite, like so many of his other films.


This movie is really starting to grow on me.

Same thing happened to me. I like it a lot and I hope it finds its audience on DVD as so many of his earlier films have done.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


yes, its not JC's finest effort. But its an entertaining ride. Doesn't take itself seriously, is well made considering what appears to have been a miniscule budget - Carpenters talent showing through. Its got a good cast, who all perform really well, again, Carpenter has a knack of getting good performances.

When I first saw it, it struck me as being a kind of spoiler for the upcoming Assault on precinct 13 remake - which was horrible beyond words. the similarities are quite striking between GoM and the original Assault.....

The movie hasn't had a fair crack of the whip. Sit back and enjoy it for what it is - a good popcorn movie. Sometimes, that really is enough to be worth the price of admission or the cost of a dvd.
