Damn you Roger Ebert!

This is the only movie I have ever walked out on. I turned to Roger Ebert, a good and honest critic, for advice on what my next trip to the cinema should be, and he gave Ghosts of Mars 2 thumbs up. Surely this call was the worst in both our respective careers in filmwatching.



maybe you should both read what Ebert actually had to say, and see if he had valid reason for feeling the way he does.

not even reading it, i know enough about Ebert to know he provided valid reasons, whether or not you agree with it.


For anybody who does want to know what Ebert had to say: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20010824/REV IEWS/108240303/1023.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


I normally manage to enjoy most films, there's usually something in them that keeps me watching but I couldn't help but feel that I had wasted a few hours or so of my life watching Ghosts of Mars.
Some of the lines honestly made me cringe... There was now way I would have stuck around to watch the whole of it if I hadn't been with a group of friends at the time.

I can't say it's the worst movie ever, seeing as I haven't seen every single movie but it is certainly, by far, the worst movie I have ever seen.


Yeah, I remember thinking it was very odd that he liked this film, given that he and Siskel used to routinely bash horror films for excessive gore and violence. Oddly enough, the blurb on the cover of Carnosaur said that Siskel gave that a thumb's up...for what, I have no idea.

Myself, I found Ghosts of Mars an irritating, ugly mess at the time that I saw it, which was several years ago. I hated Ice Cube, hated the music. I might see it again to see if it's any good (plus, I like cheesy horror and can usually find some fun in a bad movie).

Personally, I liked Doom a lot better. The fact that the first half of it was essentially an explicit remake of Aliens made me smile.


Roger Ebert is one of the few mainstream critics who doesn't automatically dismiss a movie because it is a horror, or science fiction film. I've followed his film criticism for years and he is always willing to judge by the content and atmosphere of the movie, not the genre. After all, he wrote "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" so he must have some affection for offbeat cinema. I've liked his reviews of "1408" and "The Mist"and so many more films throughout the years.
Eleanor Ringel, who used to write for the Atlanta Constitution, had a similar viewpoint ( miss you, Eleanor! Why did you retire so early?)
In the end, I think we have to decide for ourselves which movies to see, don't you? Educate yourself, read several reviews, and don't blame the film critic if you don't like it.


Roger Ebert liked this movie - you didn't - I did. Who is wrong - Roger Ebert for giving his opion that he liked it - me for liking it - or you for saying that his opinion and mine per se is wrong. I'll let you think it over...


Taking a critics opinion to heart isn't the best thing to do. Roger Ebert is well respected as a critic and his opinions certainly have their merit, but it all up to the viewer themselves to decide if they really liked it or not. Don't be mad at Ebert for liking the movie. I personally like it myself. Don't be mad at others for having different opinions than you.

"We should have *beep* shotguns"-Vincent Vega
