There is definitely SOMETHING about Ghosts of Mars that counterbalances its flaws and makes it entertaining to revisit.
Plot-wise, I think there are several possibilities that could be explored -
1) Continue the battle on Mars, starting with Melanie Ballard and Desolation Williams fighting possessed citizens and rounding up survivors to escape the large city that was under attack at the end of the first movie. They then either travel off-world trying to escape, or head for somewhere other city / outpost. As their struggle is impossible unless they find a way of preventing ghosts from possessing more humans, maybe there could be a scientist character or some kind of subplot revolving around a possible way of destroying the ghosts.
2) They all die, the Ghosts take over the planet, travel to Earth using captured spacecraft, and cause mass carnage on Earth (Similar idea to Aliens VS. Predator - Requiem)
3) They all die, the Ghosts fade away (as there's no-one left to kill on Mars) and the sequel takes place a long time afterwards, as attempts to recolonise the planet meet with another incursion - similar sort of movie to 28 Weeks later.
4) Ballard and Williams hijack a spacecraft and attempt to either return to Earth or head to some other planet for help, but crew members start getting possessed by ghosts and an Alien-style battle for survival ensues.