A bunch of fish-head monster ghosts are trapped in a cave for a while . The cave is opened by humans.The humans are possessed by the fish head monster ghosts , and they become death metallers after a bit .It is led by alice cooper , and he only says "rawr rawr rawr rawr " throughout the film.
A group come to see whats going on . They are attacked , but get help from criminals. THe criminals are lead by a rapper , whose every second word has to be a curse word or he looks weak.He also shoots sideways with his gold plated uzis and never misses a shot and says "gnome saying?", even though theres no gnomes around.
You cant kill a fish-head monster ghost or he will go into another body and make you grow long hair,wear leather and have mood swings. The good guys and bad guys team up to fight the fishes otherwise it would be a short film ,but some die. The more famous actors last longer than the others , and end up saving the day ....or do they?