'who goes there?'

Really? Soldiers really say that?


Perhaps a nod to The Thing's source material.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


i don't think so, since carpenter had already done "The Thing". i think it was a reasonable plot line....JMHO.


'Who Goes There?' is the title of the book The Thing is based on. So yes, it's a little nod to that movie and the creator of the book, John W. Campbell, Jr.


It is one variation of following the 11th general order of a sentry.

Damion Crowley
All complaints about my post go to Helen Waite.


Haha, I actually lolled when she said that. I mean, terrible acting + *beep* dialogues = HAHAHAHAHA!


I was waiting for Peter, I mean Jericho, to scream out "Hark" before Jan, I mean Helena, yelled "Who goes there?".

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick!!!
