MovieChat Forums > Ghosts of Mars (2001) Discussion > Anyone else upset when...

Anyone else upset when...

Anyone else upset when jason statham died?
I've never seen this movie until today, and I am familiar with this movies. He wouldn't die in his current movies, but when I saw this and he died, I was upset!!!


was more upset when Clea DuVall was be-headed


I was upset that she wasn't the first to be beheaded.


Clea Du Vall is awesome


Clea Duvall is gorgeous.


For God's sake, Ice Cube showed more emotion and a stronger acting ability in this than Duvall.


I can't speak for swordfish_man but, I was upset when the goodlooking Clea DuVall was X'ed out simply because to me, she was the best looking female onscreen. Her acting in this does indeed suck but strangely, that did not distract me in a movie about space ghosts and flashbacks.


Just to clarify, I didn't expect her to become Meryl Streep or something, but that her acting was sub-par even in the context of this film.


I wasnt upset when Jason Statham was killed. I hate the fake cockney (mockney) idiot. I feel he should be killed in more things. Even in romantic comedies starring people like Sandra Bullock. In fact they should purposefully hire him, give him all of 3 seconds of actual screentime and no lines, and then have a safe or grand piano land on his head.

They should also do this at halftime at football games to cheer the crowd up. They should also introduce a new public holiday called "Beat Jason Statham Day" where people in the street are allowed to pummel his talentless head in with rocks and sticks.

He makes Ice Cube look like Dustin Hoffman.

"Give them nothing! But take from them everything!" - King Leonidas


Sir, megabee12, I disapprove of your hatred towards Jason Statham.


I find your passion very convincing.


I saw it coming but what got me has how undignified it was! One second he's there, next second he's being bashed to pieces on the ground by a group of Martians and you've no time to take it in. Personally, I like him and find his films guilty pleasures. He's the only reason I watched this and a whole load of other rubbish.


Such as Crank? that film was ugly, and it's sequel was atrocious.

This ain't my first tea party...



LOL, glad to see someone agree with me that Clea Duvall is butt ugly!!! The first time I saw her was in Carnivale; she's a good actress but I don't think she's "pretty" at all.


I was upset that they didn't let him and Natasha finish what they had started (storage room) before him getting killed.


UM... do you folks understand that when you give away key plot elements to films, you're supposed to use the word SPOILER in the subject header? I mean, sure, it's not the LAW or anything...

It's just good etiquette.


Yeah, I hate that too. People shouldn't check on this page if they don't want the movie given away. I hated to see Staham & DuVall killed. Clea is HOT! Check her out in The Faculty!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


UM... do you folks understand that when you give away key plot elements to films, you're supposed to use the word SPOILER in the subject header? I mean, sure, it's not the LAW or anything...
In all fairness, when the title of a thread is, "Anyone else upset when...", it shouldn't be a surprise that the content of said thread will reveal something dramatic.


No. I never cared for Jason Statham. He's typecast. He's always doing the same old tough-guy action role. Although this was a movie you wouldn't expect to see him in. He wasn't by far my least favorite character in this movie, but he wasn't my favorite either.

Keep in mind that, this was before Statham became well-known. Before this movie, he had only done three movies. So I'm pretty sure they weren't concerned with having him live.


This was released in 2001, so it was back when Jason Statham was really a nobody. At least here in America. I wasn't upset so much that his character was killed as I was in the way it was done. Virtually the entire main cast is killed in the span of a minute near the end of the film, as if the filmmakers suddenly realized on the same day that they needed to dwindle the cast down and just did it rapid-fire. This was also forced upon the film by the terrible framing sequence, which already sets up (thus ruins any suspense) that Melanie is the only survivor.


The whole ending is unbelievable ....... All they had to do was get into town or maybe, just maybe, call the authorities on the train phone! Made no sense at all. Liked the film up to that part. And do like stratham but he wasnt a star when this was made. Interesting that ice cube panned the movie and carpenter too.


I was really upset I wasted time seeing this movie.
